LWL: Capital Punishment, guns and warfare protect people and show reverence for life. I am talking about defensive wars and having a strong military so that our enemies are afraid of us.
Capital punishment is about taking away people's lives.
If you only wanted to legalise things like hunting rifles, I might believe you when you say guns are not offensive weapons. But again, the point of guns is killing. And the idea of a person using a gun to ward off an invader? Almost a myth.
Warfare is also about killing and expressing anger at another country without getting your own hands dirty. The idea that it protects life is sheer madness. And if you think we should only be fighting defensive wars, you'd have no problem downsizing our military a little.
the part about war is stupid but like how I felt the need to counter the people who instinctively say spanking is always abuse. even though I don't like that innocent people are falsely put to death, I would still support capital punishment for the worst of humanity. you see, most serial killers are sane but lack empathy, which is the basis of other emotions like kindness and love which is what we value about our species. without empathy or remorse, these types are not really human beings but walking embodiments of evil itself.
@Goomy: the point of guns is making a little metal pellet move really fast in a mostly predictable direction. "killing" only happens if you choose to make that direction intersect with something that can't survive getting shot.
seriously, guns are inanimate objects and can't choose to kill. you have to judge their moral value by what their human users choose to use them for. and the vast majority of guns, the vast majority of the time, get used as high-velocity long distance paper punches. judging these inanimate objects by a use they almost never get put to, is... less than entirely rational.
(also, what's this "only" hunting rifles? they tend to be among the more powerful of civilian firearms. just saying.)
@fundie: no, war does most manifestly NOT show reverence for life. war, in fact, shows the exact opposite of that. i'm tempted to invite you to go live in a war zone for a few battles, see if that teaches you any damn better.
Capital Punishment, guns and warfare protect people and show reverence for life.
Only in a twisted conservative Republican Christian world does this make sense. Otherwise it's more:
And we haven't fought a truly defensive war since 1812.
"Capital Punishment, guns and warfare protect people"
They protect nobody and if it was up to me I would ban them all. As It is living in the UK we have banned capital punishment and almost all civilians are not allowed to own guns. We still have a tendency to support America's pointless wars but we seem to be turning against that also.
2.5 out of three. Not bad.
You could argue that abortion gives reverence to life as it helps ensure that the life of those that are reared are more likely to be brought into a home that loves, wants, and cares for them. You won't be arguing for that any time soon though, instead we'll be treated to more word distortion to make it seem that violence is peaceful, and hatred is love.
Absolutely nothing in this pile of gibberish makes any sense whatsoever. Defensive wars...after we invade yet another sandy country sitting on oil full of brown people with funny names? Guns...that crazies like to take to the local park & wag in all the kids' faces, or use to mow down 70 people in a movie theater, or use to murder 20 7 years olds a week before christmas because Joe the fatass fucking Plumber insists that HIS & only his right to own a metal penis extension outweighs everyone else's right to live. Or perhaps the inattentive bozo who fatally shoots his 17 month son IN THE FACE while cleaning his gun, not to mention all the other dimwits who left their guns easily accessible, so the 3 year olds got their hands on them. All of the above shows reverence for life, especially when said by a coward who most likely never served in the military for 1 second.
Jesus Fucking Christ, you. Are. Insane. Go put on your Nikes & drink a bucket of bleach.
I am talking about defensive wars
The United States has fought a grand total of two defensive in its history--the American Civil War (South fired first) and World War II (Japan attacked first). Every other war has been offensive in nature. You might get some grey areas with the American Revolution, War of 1812 (although the motive was to take Canada), and World War I (we joined the defending side).
Modern wars the US fought are mainly wars of aggression, especially the Iraq War which is without a doubt a war crime. No defensive war there.
Capital punishment shows reverance for death and petty revenge by putting the criminal out of their misery instead of making them suffer and think about their crimes for decades on end. Guns are pretty much neutral--they kill people as often as they protect them.
Showing reverence for life... which is why, about 1,000 years ago, the rabbis effectively abolished the death penalty in the Torah. You might catch up sometime.
Capital punishment kills people and has zero effect on the number of homicides - so no reverence for life there.
Guns - kill people by infecting the weak minded with the desire to kill. This has been do since the first Gonne was made by Leonard of Quirm.
Wars are never f'n defensive and morons like Lawrence Levine are asking us to fall for the old lie "Dulce et decorum est, pro Patria Mori"
Oh, right, because we couldn't possibly have the ability to "protect people and show reverence for life" unless we have weapons that are specifically used to kill people, right?
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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