Sammy #fundie

Morfos: apparently you haven't read the legal definitions of TRAITORS and SEDITION. We sure can execute you.

CrazyDuke: you are a certified LIBERAL-COMMUNIST, which probably does mean you're crazy. Michael Savage says liberals are ALL mentally ill, and he is right.

Why are you wrong? Because as a LIBERAL you believe in moral equivalence between GOOD and EVIL, between RIGHT and WRONG. You can't tell the difference. What you post is pure CRAP. Fox News is FAIR -- any objective measure shows this -- while PBS is a cesspool of Communist filth. If you don't understand this, and all that I posted, may God have mercy on your soul, because you're going straight to hell.

When the forces of GOOD rise, and they will, soon, I predict you will eat hot lead. I hope you live long enough, writhing in agony, to understand how EVIL you were.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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