[on witnessing-]
Jesus said looking with lust is adultry of the heart, I asked him if he has ever done that, and I said if you havent [done] that then your gay...
Let me see if I understand this:
1. If I'm undressing a woman with my eyes, I'm an adulturer.
2. If I'm not, I'm gay.
Oh, well.
So, basically, if you don't oggle women, you are gay. And oggling is a sin.
But, I thought Jesus was sinless though...
Rut roh...conundrum...
I think a certain poster involving Jesus in some kind of omosexual-hay elationship-ray might be gaining some credibility, Glory-boy....
Confirmed, you believe in sexual and spiritual suicide. For either you are a gay sinner, for the mere fact of being gay, or a straight sinner, for the mere fact of being straight and not putting it in practice.
I guess I'm not gay then. I look at several women over the course of a normal day with quite a high amount of lustfulness! Oh wait, in my mind this is perfectly normal - not to mention natural - for anyone; male, female, gay, straight ...
It is natural to have sexual desires you buffoon, but it is not natural to repress ones sexual desires. How you act out on them though, is of course another matter.
Whoo hoo!!! Either you're a damn ghey sinner or you're a straight sinner!!! But I'm not a sinner. Ye olde Rapture Ready motto. It warms the heart.
And since god doesn't differentiate between different levels of sin, there's therefore no incentive not to be gay!
@Jay-Sus: You just made an adulterer out of me - I hope I can return the favor soon.
Oh wait . . . I'm not married, so I can't committ adultery!
ALL RIGHT! I can scope out as many chicks as I want! (And I don't mean tracts!)
She goes on to say: "... so I would suggest taking them through the commandments again, if they fail to acknowledge there [sic] sin, just leave them alone and pray for them."
Damn, IF ONLY she'd use her final resort FIRST!
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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