I was in a PLAYPLEX this weekend with my children. I entered a LAZER ZONE room which was pitch black and filled with BLACK LIGHT. The SOUND in the room was VIOLENT and HARASSING. God immediately told me to "get out of there". My legs were trembling when I left that LAZER ZONE. I prayed quickly and the Lord told me "MALEDRONE". I stayed in the PLAYPLEX arcade (not the LAZER ZONE) for another hour with my children and began to get a TERRIBLE HEADACHE. I was speaking in tongues the entire time. When I got home I looked in the dictionary for some meaning to MALEDRONE. As I scanned the pages and didn't see MALEDRONE, I felt led to this word- "Malediction" which is a prayer to befall to hurt someone, a CURSE.... and then I looked up, "Drone" which is a low humming or a pilotless plane or ship controlled by radio signals. I believe the Lord was telling me that in this PLAYPLEX, I literally was being CURSED and it was coming through in a subconscious hum of some sort."
"thoughts in your mind" != "God"
Also, wow that's some biased thinking.
"I was speaking in tongues the entire time." So don't drink beer when you should be watching your kids.
...so God couldn't just lead you to "malediction" in the first place? He had to give you a fake, nonexistent word instead?
Maybe God was drunk and "speaking in tongues" as well...
Cursed through a subconsious hum?
Okay, Unknown, repeat after me.
Mass Effect. Is. A Game. There are no. Such things. As Reapers.
Those Lazer Zones give me headaches from the strobe lights and noises but I have never gotten hallucinations.
I think you need some help, dude or lady.
hey now guys, epilepsy must be hard enough to deal with on its own, never mind the case of religious psychosis. unknown doesnt need us making fun of her, she probably gets enough of that IRL anyways.
To all who say this person isn't fundie and is mentally ill:
How is this any more insane than the first quote on the fstdt.com top 100? This person did post to demonbusters.com, which appears to be as crazy religious a site as Ministering Deliverance.
Unfortunately, with a lot of mental illness incorporating religion, it's often hard to separate the two.
"I looked up, "Drone" which is a low humming or a pilotless plane or ship controlled by radio signals."
Or you every time you open your mouth.
@ Swede
It makes colors stand out against a black background.
And 'Male Drone' could be a reference to insect hives. The drone being the bug that boinks the queen
If an ignorant and superstitious person were to have an epileptiform attack triggered by strobing - a pretty common trigger for one- this is a likely outcome. I reiterate, see a neuropsychiatrist, and if those are beyond your means, at least check into an emergency room at any sign of another attack.
I think you've gone a bit out of your way here to deny the obvious. "Drone" is a word used to describe male bees. You were complaining about "a subconscious hum of some sort." Humming is also associated with bees.
Your problem is obvious. You have rabies.
"Bees in my head! Bees in my head!" - Cujo
Seriously, it does sound like triggered epilepsy. Seek medical attention and stop trying to pray it away. "God helps those who help themselves." (Mainly by taking credit for what you did yourself.)
What a moron. He thinks MALEDRONE (sic) sounds like MALEDICTION because it's some sort of incantation, when the part of the word that means an incantation is the part that SOUNDS DIFFERENT, YOU MORON. It's the "Diction" part that means incantation. The "Male" part just means bad or failing. So if you think DRONE is a spy plane, then MALEDRONE is a malfunctioning spy plane.
I was speaking in tongues the entire time.
Oh really? And just what languages were you speaking? According to the bible, "tounges" means "languages". So what were you speaking? Latin? Greek? Hebrew? Aramaic? Sanscrit? Spanish? Russian?
Or were you just stammering gibberish?
Funny, I get the same thing when I walk into a church. Except I hear the word "retards"....so I looked it up, and I found out it means "people who believe in an invisible entity and sacrificing all pointless beliefs into theirs and others lives"
Steven Mading wrote
'So if you think DRONE is a spy plane, then MALEDRONE is a malfunctioning spy plane.'
Actually it's a Medium Altitude Long Endurance Drone, for example the Sagem Patroller. No, really, it genuinely is.
Despite the belief in demons and curses, I don't think this person is mentally ill. Loud music and flickering lights will cause many people to get headaches. Not to mention that many confuse their own inner feelings and monologue with that of a religious deity. All of these are common actions and misconceptions of the fanatically religious, including believing in demons and curses. It does not make them mentally ill, just gullible.
Remember, kids, crack is bad...REALLY bad!
Lady/Sir...see a physician, neurologist and psychologist please! You may be mentally ill or have epilepsy.
@ Swede :
"Black light" is another name for low-frequency ultraviolet light. Some indoor areas have black walls that are painted with designs in fluorescent ("day-glow") paint, and are then illuminated with black lights to give an eerie effect.
White cotton also shows up very strikingly under ultraviolet light, as do teeth, which adds to the otherworldly effect.
Just when I thought Demonbusters.com heretics could not get any more stupider....This Demonbusters.com disciple idiot comes up!
The world's dumbest people are either Mormon, Ecunemist/Word Faith/Roman Catholic/TBN/Assembly Of God, Pentecostal Holiness, Jack Hyles worshiper, Ruckmanites, Jehovah's Wittiness, Harold Camping disciple, Muslim, Sacred Name YHWH Groups, Fred Phelps Cult member or the retards at DemonBusters.com!
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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