But, hey, if you want to believe your ancestors are apes, I have no objection. My ancestors, on the other hand, were created by intelligent designed.
But, hey, if you want to believe your ancestors were created by magic, I have no objection. Our ancestors, on the other hand, are shared with the other great apes.
"But, hey, if you want to believe your ancestors are apes, I have no objection."
Well, thanks. That's magnanimous of you. Pointless, since it's hardly your call, but magnanimous just the same.
"My ancestors, on the other hand, were created by intelligent designed."
Grammar mistakes aside (seriously folks, let he who is without typos cast the first stone here -- though it IS funny!), your ancestors were designed no more (and certainly no more intelligently) than ours. Go far enough back, and your ancestors ARE ours -- which is a disturbing thought. If I had a choice about it, I'd happily let you have different ancestors, but facts aren't usually responsive to human wishes, whatever you may think.
~David D.G.
I've often wondered how ID explains the fossil record. Without evolution, there must then have been many designs. Thus, god screwed up many, many times over.
For the record, humans (homo sapiens sapiens) are a member of the ape family. There is a greater genetic difference between chimpanzees and gorillas than there is between chimpanzees and humans. We are not just descended from the apes. We are apes. Just as we are primates. We are mammals.
"But, hey, if you want to believe your ancestors are apes, I have no objection."
I understand that both you and I share ancestors with all other life on earth. Currently, our closet relatives (those who share the closet common ancestry) are the great apes.
"My ancestors, on the other hand, were created by intelligent designed."
Uh huh. Just because something appeals to your delicate sensibilities does not mean it is true. Wanting something to be true does not make it true. There are mountains of evidence supporting the assertion that humans and apes share common ancestry. There is no credible evidence supporting ID.
My ancestors, on the other hand, were created by intelligent designed.
Oh, so you *don't* have the blind spot common to all vertebrates? Your windpipe and esophagus *don't* run next to each other to allow the possibility of choking?
Crosis #75514
"My ancestors, on the other hand, were created by intelligent designed."
<< Oh, so you *don't* have the blind spot common to all vertebrates? Your windpipe and esophagus *don't* run next to each other to allow the possibility of choking? >>
And you mean you *don't* have a sewer running through a recreation area?
~David D.G.
But, hey, if you want to believe your ancestors are apes, I have no objection.
I don't want to believe that my ancestors were apes. I want to believe I was created by someone loving and perfect. Unfortunately, the evidence contradicts this, and I'm far too rational to believe what I wish were true instead of what most likely is true.
My ancestors, on the other hand, were created by intelligent designed.
Your ancestors were created through intelligent design? Who designed them, Magrathea or Renscellen?
I prefer Renscellen myself, but that's only because I tend to prefer my own work over the work of other people.
{ My ancestors, on the other hand, were created by intelligent designed. }
And then de-evolution happened.
Are we not men? We are devo.
"My ancestors, on the other hand, were created by intelligent designed."
I've just got a hunch that this guy is white, so... you were invented by black scientists 6000 years ago?
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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