Islamophobe: someone who fears Islam.
Yup, I'm an Islamophobe, and with good reason. All decent, free people should be afraid of Islam: what it is doing today in Europe is just a taste of what is to come. By the time I die, Muslim immigration coupled with suicidally-low "native" birth rates will place much of Europe under sharia law. Europe's second Dark Age is coming.
By the time I die, Muslim immigration coupled with suicidally-low "native" birth rates will place much of Europe under sharia law.
The European country in which I live has been Muslim for at least 300 years but it still isn't run by sharia. Try again.
A) It is entirely possible for a nation to be majority Muslim and not have sharia. Turkey, for example.
B) A lot of Muslim immigrants came here specifically to get away from sharia.
C) Muslims are no more a monolithic block than Christians or Jews or, well, any religion. Some are strict, some are demented, fanatical fundies and some are more casual adherents and some are nominal adherents if that. In other words, Islam is just another religion with a wide assortment of adherents. The problem is that the Islamic version of the KKK have too much power in parts of the MidEast.
I fear Christianity at times. That doesn't make me a Christophobe. The difference is bigotry. Remember, a phobia is an irrational fear. Bigotry based on irrational fear is an example--like you with your fears of "creeping Sharia." It's more likely Christians will take over and institute a biblical version of Sharia.
I regret that cool muslims(i.e. most of them) do not dare facing their extremists leaders when those say BS. Still. They are cool. And if I was not married, I would try to seduce one of my muslim colleagues(with no chance of success, but I'd try anyways).
Those los birth rates apply to second generación Muslims that, may I remind you, are, at best10% of the population. May I guess? You've never been to Europe
I don't recall seeing a single Muslim or Arab last time I was in Europe. Granted,I didn't get around much, but it's hardly the bastion of sharia that American fundies fear. Why not think of Mercedes, fine wine and designer clothes when considering Europe? If you must stereotype, try something positivepositive.
You know what really will create the second Dark Age in Europe? People responding to a mostly non-existent threat of Sharia law by supporting neo-fascist political parties like Front National, Jobbik, Golden Dawn and such, and repeating the same mistakes the Nazis did. I'll be afraid of Islam and fight the Islamic threat when I see it--right now, I'm more afraid of fascism and right-wing extremism in both Europe and my own country (see Donald Trump).
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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