One of those websites had a bunch of quotes from "Christians" with a thread for commenting and rating system. I'm really disgusted by what a lot of these so-called "Christians" write.
People look at those boards and think that all Christians are like that. It's getting harder and harder to be taken seriously. I, for one, am glad that I didn't find very many quotes from Rapture ready.
I, for one, am glad that I didn't find very many quotes from Rapture ready.
You didn't really do a search then, did you?
"One of those websites had a bunch of quotes from "Christians" with a thread for commenting and rating system. I'm really disgusted by what a lot of these so-called "Christians" write."
One true scotsman!
"People look at those boards and think that all Christians are like that. It's getting harder and harder to be taken seriously."
Most christians DO think like that, the difference with the people who get quoted here is that they don't keep it to themselves.
"I, for one, am glad that I didn't find very many quotes from Rapture ready."
You must not have looked around this site much, if you're talking about FSTDT!.
"I, for one, am glad that I didn't find very many quotes from Rapture ready. Of course, I was looking at the site with my eyes closed."
"I, for one, am glad that I didn't find very many quotes from Rapture ready."
You're not talking about FSTDT then ...
Hey you have discovered something Minori. Many of the people over here are CHRISTIANS. And we find it odious that you people at RAPTURE READY think that everyone has to be as narrow and bigoted as you to be a "true" Christian. I could care less how you people at Rapture Ready believe in God, that is your own personal relationship with Christ, but you have the arrogance to claim that other Christians that don't fall lockstep into your fundamentalist concept, that don't insult good people of other faiths, that don't accept your Rapture fantasy(IT'S NOT IN THE BIBLE, 90% of all Christian religions don't buy it) and dont share your right-wing POLITICAL, not religious, POLITICAL beliefs are not really worshipping Christ. We do not mock you for YOUR believing in Christ your way, we mock you for your refusal to allow others to believe in Christ their way. Now I am I'm off my pulpit, I don't do "smileys", so I'll just say "Have a nice day"!
"I, for one, am glad that I didn't find very many quotes from Rapture ready."
Didn't look too hard now, did you?
You know what? I tried to strike this one down. This person is RIGHTFULLY appalled by the things some of that the people have written that we've posted...this is the one of the reasons for this site, after all. We're more than happy, too, to comment that by their definition of Christianity, most that post here are NOT very Christlike, so she's not terribly out to lunch on the quotations, either. Further, it is because of the wingnuts and those that use religion as a platform for hatred and violence that Moderate Christians can't be seen as much more than a raving band of Jesus freaks. Granted, it's from RR, so that does say a bit, but I say cut Minori here a bit of slack.
Now, with that said, the "Not finding many RR quotes" does say to me she didn't look hard.
"I, for one, am glad that I didn't find very many quotes from Rapture ready. "
Better look again. Maybe you'll learn why people think christians are "like that"
GigaGuess I would cut them slack even for their arrogance at declaring themselves the only "True Christians"(many religious sects and cults do that) if it were not for their POLITICAL proclaimations which they attempt to diguise as religious statements. I do not try to judge, but which is a worse sin? Cursing and rudeness or telling a direct lie(and placing your own personal POLITICAL beliefs in God's mouth) to forward your own right-wing political beliefs, not religious beliefs. I respect what you are saying(and we may be a bit harsh over here, but many of their POLITICAL statements are bald-faced lies) but I disagree. Sorry!PS I do agree that some of the people here see "Rapture Ready" and go overboard with posting quotes here that don't belong. There was absolutely no reason to post "the little old lady who wanted to meet Mary in heaven" or the "kid who wanted a puppy in heaven" over here for ridicule, they were both a little weird but in a sweet, corny way.
People look at those boards and think that all Christians are like that.
Which is indeed sad, because most Christians I know are fantastic people.
Which is weird, 'cause here in the deep south, most xstians are fucking morons.
Rapture Ready is definitely THE BEST website in the history of the internet.
Minori, you do realize that 90% of CHRISTIANS don't take you idiots seriously, let alone the rest of us that have actual, working brains.
Aaaaah- I feel so sorry for this person. It's true- fundies don't reflect the majority of Christians.
However, it's funny that they didn't see much of RR here. If RR and Yahoo! Answers were to both go down, so would this place.
So what site is she talking about then? It's not here if it isn't filled with RR stuff, I'd be interested in a few more laughs each day...
Anybody have any idea where? (Linky broken as usual)
"People look at those boards and think that all Christians are like that."
no, normal people don't get quoted on here
"It's getting harder and harder to be taken seriously. I, for one, am glad that I didn't find very many quotes from Rapture ready."
you didn't try to look did you?
"I, for one, am glad that I didn't find very many quotes from Rapture ready."
O RLY? One search for Rapture Ready on here brings up 132 pages of stupidity. What site were you on, Minori?
Epic Wolf meant "No True Scotsman," which is a logical fallacy in which person A asserts that person B is not *really* part of group C, because they don't satisfy condition D, even though group C has nothing to do with condition D and person A is really just saying that because they don't like condition D and are ashamed to admit that they (persons A and B) are both part of the same group.
In this case, Minori is saying that no true Christian would write the stuff that's appearing on FSTDT (presumably), but all someone has to do to be a Christian is accept Jesus as their savior, so the argument holds no water.
Also, "didn't find very many quotes from Rapture Ready?" Did she read more than one quote? I'm not even on this site that much, and even I know it's overflowing with stuff from RR.
I think half the quotes on here are from Rapture Ready!
(Remember, 60% of statistics are made up on the spot)
Isn't RR one of the most numerous boards listed here?
@Epic Wolf
No one knows if "Most Christians" think like that, after all only a minority believe in the "Rapture".
Lol, take a peek here! There are plenty!
Maybe if you stopped talking like nutbars on the internet.
Seriously, it is the internet. For every belife you have there are ten people who will think you are nutty and even more people who are trolls ready to laugh at you. You should expect ridicule on the internet.
"I, for one, am glad that I didn't find very many quotes from Rapture ready."
So she's not talking about FSTDT?
Oh silly, we don't--or at least, I don't--think all Christians think like this. Only you.
I'm a Christian and I don't think like that. Then again, I do dislike organized religion, so I'm probably not the best judge of character in your eyes.
Well now you know how I feel. I am totally dismayed and disgusted that anyone would think RR, in any way, represents Christians. Fortuanately, I believe anyone with a brain will soon realize there are no Christians on RR.
One of those websites had a bunch of quotes from "Christians" with a thread for commenting and rating system. I'm really disgusted by what a lot of these so-called "Christians" write.
/As am I
People look at those boards and think that all Christians are like that.
/They aren't all like that. (I hate over-generalizations. Even if they are close to the truth, they still don't show the full picture)
It's getting harder and harder to be taken seriously.
/You will never be taken seriously if you post on RR
I, for one, am glad that I didn't find very many quotes from Rapture ready.
/Hehe, just keep telling yourself that. RR is the most used source on this site. There is always a chance that there's another site like fstdt, I guess.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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