[Letter targeted at gay bars threatening to poison patrons.]
[Rest of story from original blogpost found here. ]
That's just sick, and not in a funny way.
I'm not an expert in poisons but that guy should inject the ricin himself since he clearly doesn't care about the living.
Please let this creep get caught and exposed (as so many have) as a "straight" Christian guy who just can't deal with his own homosexual desires.
For him, I bet such a fate would be worse than death.
Ah, so you're the guy who pulled the ricin stunt eh? Okay, for the next month we will supply you with 5 meals per day. One of them is laced with ricin, but we don't know which one. Bon appetit!
Wow. You don't agree with a person's sexual orientation, something that has absolutely no impact on you, so you threaten to not only poison them but inflict horrible pain upon them? Even if this is just a joke or an empty threat, please DIAF as soon as possible. What's so bad about gay bars anyways? I went to a drag show at a, um, somewhat gay bar, and it was fun. It wasn't like there was a huge gay orgy going on or anything. Not that I wouldn't have minded watching it had there been one.
I'm sure the Old Testament god would be proud of you. You sick, twisted, fuck. If anyone deserves to burn forever, it's you.
I hope the police catch this sick fuck.
I don't think area bar owners need to worry much about a terrorist attack from this deluded freak, however; that letter reads like the ravings of an empty-headed moron suffering from Internet Tough Guy Syndrome.
The only known treatment for cases this severe: PMITA prison.
There are many, many quotes on here that make me laugh derisively. There are others that make me groan with disgust. There are a few that unsettle me or annoy me.
This, however, is one of the few that makes me weep for humanity. Seriously.
As a Seattle-ite, I have to say that I am absolutely appalled. Were famous- even infamous- for being such a liberal city. Since when did we house such lunacy?? It's utterly sickening and vile, and I hope he's caught regardless of if he is serious or not. This is not tolerable in any fashion- not even as a threat or a sick joke.
And fundies always called us the ones persecuting and using terrorism...
I don't think I've ever said DIAF at all before, let alone on this site, but the person behind this needs to do exactly that. I don't know if he's serious or not. Either way, it's the most disgusting thing I've ever seen.
If his knowldge about chemistry matches the knowledge about science that other fundamentalists have, there will be at least a huge chance, that he wasn´t successful in correctly extracting the ricine from the ricinus seeds an therefore (even if he really has some of it available and tries to use it) its concentration will be too low to result in deaths.
Lets hope the police will cath him before he even tries that, however ;)
@C in TX - good call, that is most definitely british english, but it could mean someone immigrated here and wrote this.
Damn, this is just too much for words.
As far as I know the lethal dose of ricin is in the range of 13 milligrams. Keeping 67 grams of it is a recipe for disaster unless you know what you're doing.
At least, I hope he's bluffing. If he DOES know what he's doing... I hope the FBI gets him.
The whole thing is sick, but this part really set me off:
[...presumably, they didn't care that they were living...]
"At least, I hope he's bluffing. If he DOES know what he's doing... I hope the FBI gets him."
I for one hope the partyvan gets him anyway, bluffing or no. If he is bluffing, then it'll be a good lesson to him - 'you don't f*ck around with people's lives and livelihoods'
Does read like UK English IMO, though. Probably a lunatic ex-pat who moved to US expecting his extremist religious fantasies to be fulfilled.
Shit like this makes me sick. I hope he gets caught and thrown in jail with a bike gang with a severe Viagra addiction.
Good advice to begin with, but with stuff like this...I hope people realize now that EVERYONE should be doing that.
Some Church
Any Corner In America
Attn. Local Pastor
Your establishment has been targeted. I have in my possession approximately 67 whoopie cushions with which I will indiscriminately target at least five of your members. No doubt, the authorities will be able to trace all of them to a total of 11 joke shops in the Captiol Hill vicinity. Each location will have at least five targets embarressed by loud, flatulent noises coming from their direction.
Given the volume of the farty noises, I expect them to be be painfully embarressed while at service. Fellow parishioners will initially mistake these for real farts, but notice of a lack of odor so quickly will make everyone think otherwise. Naturally there is no antidote for this kind of social faux pas. All I can say is I will chuckle at the thought of several farty pants church goers blushing themselves silly.
This is merely a warning for which you can do nothing to prevent me - I have always had time on my side.
Reading it again, the guy seems to have got his entire knowledge of the effects of ricin from the popular media, and pulled the figure of 67 grams out of his arse to sound impressive when what it really does is make anyone with even minor hazmat experience think "how the hell does he not kill himself?"
Not to mention that he confuses the fact that ricin doesn't have an antidote (= a chemical that can be introduced to the body to inactivate a poison) with the idea that its symptoms can't be treated. Of course they can.
You fail chemistry and terrorism forever, and the world is grateful.
What a cowardly shit.
Murderous, evil, cruel, cowardly, but not exactly fundie.
That said, I think it is lies.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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