I first saw a demon when I was 6 in my bedroom I was still a christian at the time so I was safe. Later on in my teens I got into paganism when my soul was weak from depression. I turned to magic to protect me and it seemed to work for awhile. Then I met my one true love RJ. He revealed to me that he too knew about demons and fought them even though some still dwelled within his body. My boyfriend just recently quit being a guardian. They are beings that fight demons, prevent things that should not happen, and protect the space between heaven and hell. He's been one since before time began. Yesterday we both quit being guardians and decided to dedicate our lives to becoming christians again so that we can asencd to heaven together when we die.
Okay, how shall I explain this...? I know this mostly sounds like fiction but it's all true. Guardians exist. My boyfriend is human his spirit was a guardian. He quit being a guardian because quardians can't die and ascend to heaven. You fight demons with powers you receive as a guardian. Demons can be killed with pieces of metal not known to this world attached to blessed weapons. Or you could just send them back from whence they came.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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