[Larry writes, "Lately my wife has been acting unusual. She's dressing more provocatively and going out with her girlfriends more often, even to bars at night. I'm not happy with her current actions and I've told her so. Obviously we're fighting a lot more these days..."]
I hate to break it to you, but your wife suffers from a severe form of ADHD: Attention-Deficient Husband Disorder. But don't feel bad; unfortunately, it's a very common disorder these days. Maybe the insatiably greedy and conscience-impaired people over at Big Pharma can come up with a vaccine for this. Alas, until then, we'll have to work on fixing the problem ourselves...
Wives are a strange and complicated species, one whose emotional moods range way beyond the scope of this answer. But there is one general rule that applies to all wives, as Rav Shalom Arush explains: a wife is dependent on her husband for her inner sense of happiness and worth. For all of the ladies that are up-in-arms from this seemingly sexist comment, either you're not married, or you're not taking a good look at the dynamics in your marriage.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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