Ali M. #fundie
One of my best friends in life is a Completed Jew who got Saved 2 months before I did. About 1 year after salvation he called me in the middle of the night in a state of fear and confusion. Let me first say, his wife whom he met in Church,suffered with problems with mental illness, we believed it was demonic oppression. Anyway, he called and said come over now I need to tell you what has happened. when i got their we sat doun and this is what he told me.
He was sound asleep in bed when he felt his mattress shaking as if someone was hitting it . He tried to ignore it thinking his wife was kicking in her sleep.
It didn't stop though, so finally he sat up to see what was causing this agravation, in the dark room with no lights on he saw about a half dozen demonic beings scurrying around the side and the foot of his bed. They were having a type of taunting victory party right their in his bedroom. Marks blood ran cold and he immediately screamed out, get out of here in the name of Jesus Christ. The demons stopped what they were doing and looked at him in shock that he could evidently see them and in a second they dissapeared. They were small and disgusting in appearance but very real to him. And knowing him as i do i believe this happened exactly as he said it.