Gene Moody #fundie

It is very clear that those participating in sexual sins (which lead to pregnancy) and then a decision is made to have an abortion are committing murder. The murder of an innocent child then opens the parents to demon attacks of being murdered or having violence committed against them.

A couple that does not want a child should use birth control methods that prevent pregnancy. This is better than having an abortion of an unwanted child. Single parents should not deliberately have children outside of marriage. They are cursed and their descendents are cursed to the tenth generation.

After having an abortion, the woman is subject to having miscarriages or not being able to get pregnant again. She may have painful and prolonged bleeding, and pain during her menstrual cycles. She is subjected to many cruel emotions such as paranoia and insecurity.

Rape can lead to pregnancy. Do you have a right before God to kill the child because you were raped? Soul ties should be broken with any sexual partners outside of marriage whether by rape or by sexual consent.

The church is drastically affected by the bastard which is a child conceived out of wedlock. The bastards have great difficulty in going to church and participating in the church services. Those who have sexual demons may act religious in church to cover their guilt about their sexual sins.



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