Ah yes. The same stack of horseshit assertions (talking points) regurgitated over and over on Faux News.
While you’ve been busy enjoying your
Here we go ...
new jobs,
Unemployment has remained on the same trajectory it has for years back into the Obama administration (a slow recovery from the economy crash that the right wing seems to be hell bent on seeing a repeat of by killing the regulations that were put in place to prevent it) and as yet not one person floating this talking point can demonstrate that Trump has anything to do with it. He was busy taking credit for this a couple of months into his term and still does not have one piece of legislation or policy that can be demonstrated to have had any effect. The people who have lapped this shit up don't seem to understand, or conveniently ignore, that legislation and policies have inertia into the next administration and that it takes months and sometimes years for new ones to start having effect.
improved wages,
There is evidence from both governmental and private sector agencies that wages have remained stagnant. There is no evidence that wages have increased, especially due to ....
lower taxes,
Business it seems has directly pocketed their tax breaks in the form of stock buy-backs and stock holder dividends putting the lie one again to that horseshit mantra that is trickle down economics. The lie used to sell this shit was that it would increase wages which isn't happening. Or increase job growth for that matter, it appears most businesses are not reinvesting in domestic production.
Even before the cuts happened CEOs and business owners were already admitting what would be done with their cuts and it wasn't going to employees beyond some single round "bonuses" that weren't anything more than standard issue PR by a few huge corporations to help keep Trump on track for the big revenue give-away.
The rest of us get to enjoy the expiring cuts that were partially paid for (offset) by removing or reducing write-offs and credits. This means taxes will effectively increase once these individual cuts expire and the cuts to credits and write-offs remain in effect. This was achieved by repealing other acts separately within that same legislation. There is also the illusion of increasing wages (a bigger paycheck) by creating new calculations to reduce withholding.
This is called the bait and switch.
All of this revenue reduction in combination with obscenely increased military spending on top of an already obscene unaccountable military budget, other governmental contractor handouts, and commercial subsidies are currently ramping up the national deficit to new record heights that is going to be used in the future as a battering ram to destroy the social safety nets. Politicians like Paul Ryan and others have already directly admitted this is the goal, the destruction of Social Security, Medicare/Medicaid, the Veterans Administration, etc.
This is called the long con.
The whole "blacks and latinos never had it so good" is pretty damn hi-larious too. Keep trying right-wingers.
and less government interference in your life
Whatever this means. The anticipated freedom of being allowed to be a raging bigot based on your "deeply held beliefs" and religious "values" perhaps?
Perhaps he means, since corporations are now people, the freedom to loot your customers (killing of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau and anti-high-risk banking regulations preventing banks from operating like hedge funds) or pollute with impunity and without worry that one will be sued in any way or held accountable or killing Net Neutrality (hat tip to the amazingly corrupt Pruitt and Pai, handing over control of their agencies to the very industries that they are charged with regulating and abdicating their responsibility to protect the citizens they are employed by). Or DeVos trying to mainstream the same bullshit "education freedom" policies that have blatantly failed to demonstrate overall improvement, and demonstrably failed in large city specifics, when previously implemented in her own state. Etc.
the left has decided that all of those things are immoral. They must be undone.
Also, the whole Cynthia Dixon thing is kinda funny given that even the higher-ups at ICE itself have been begging DHS to cut loose the enforcement division that's dealing with immigration (ERO) because it is interfering with them actually tackling international customs crimes and the other investigations (like pursuing MS13) that they are tasked with investigating and enforcing. The ERO division also appears to be full of thuggish asshole ex-cops that had been fired from being cops elsewhere for (uncharged) law breaking and being generally violent scumbags due to low hurdles for employment for that division at the agency.
She claimed they had gone adrift from their mission.
They have.
19 top ICE investigators ask DHS officials to split up the agency