The Negroes of the ‘50s became the blacks of the ‘60’s; now, the ‘African-Americans’ of the 90’s demand racial quotas and set-asides, as the Democrats eagerly assent and a pandering GOP prepares to go along.
"Pandering GOP"? Are you high?
And the fact that black people demand equal rights isn't a new thing, or a bad thing for that matter.
@ Kulgar.
Actually, Pat Buchanan is right for the wrong reasons when it comes to the "Pandering GOP".
Did you see the way Romney flip-flopped to appeal to the fringe-right? How far to the right the GOP is going?
They are pandering ONLY to their base, and it will bite them in the ass.
I'll agree that "African American" is silly, because not every black person's relatives came from Africa, white people can be African American, and if you go far enough back, everyone came from Africa thousands of years ago.
But are you really pissed because black people hated being called negroes?
Which is why I use the term "black".
New Guinea & Fiji aren't in Africa but the people LOOK pretty "African". It would be stupid to call an American immigrant who came from those places an "African American".
I don't go around saying I'm "European American". "White" or "Caucasian" is what I use.
That said, there's only one race, the human race...many ethnicities & colors but they're all one and the same...and all descended from Africans.
@ SpukiKitty.
"there's only one race, the human race"
I have to dissagree with you.
Theres the cetatian race- including whales and dolphins.
Theres the bovine race- including domestic cattle, bison, and african wildebeast.
The ape race- incuding humans, chimps, and gorillas.
the feline race- with lions, tigers, and hyenas.
The conifer race- including red pine, spruce, cedar, and jack pine.
"And they demand the same rights as the whites. How insolent!"
I'm a little rusty on my civics. What legal rights do white enjoy that blacks do not?
I don't deny that rights get walked on all the time. But that doesn't mean the right doesn't exist.
Statistically, whites enjoy higher wages than blacks on averages, live in better neighborhoods, send their children to better schools and generally have greater upward mobility in our society than blacks (and other minorities). We still have a long way to go to real equality in this country.
None of the things you listed are rights. There is no right to equal neighborhood quality, equal upward mobility, or equal school quality. These are laudible goals that should be pursued by our society, but they are not rights.
Um... It's 2012 not now, 90's no check a clock look at the date do you have dimentia? I'm sorry about that, my gramma has alzeihmers but she doesn't show it ny being and ignorant jerk but then again, I'm no doctor.
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