My parents doctor is 70, he said the new regs under Obama care deny top notch meds for older people, just dope em up and let em dy without pain. This is always where abortion was going. I realize the article is fake, I recognized her right off. But this sort of thing is happening in Britain, and will be here soon enough. This is where the carb blockers, fat blockers came from. they can block all nutrients and literally starve a person in under a day. On c span a democrat was saying this was the most wonderful drug breakthrough in our lifetime. Finally our parents can die with dignity. But the same people tell woman, you don't need a gun to keep from getting raped, just poop and pee on yourself. I guess dignity is just for the elderly, as long as it kills them before they use all of their social security dollars. And yes, I read the bible too Steve. you should try it.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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