Penis and vagina as proof of God? I know it seems vague but think about it. The penis can pee and have semen come out of it. Only a good designer can make it this way. Did it just "evolve" this way? How is that even possible? It is complex. The way babies are made is truly beautiful. Do you think there is no God after watching a baby grow and develop in the womb? How can it just evolve like that?
This reminds me of a joke I once heard:
"Three engineering students were gathered together discussing the possible designers of the human body. One said, "It was a mechanical engineer. Just look at all the joints."
Another said, "No, it was an electrical engineer. The nervous systems has many thousands of electrical connections."
The last said, "Actually it was a civil engineer. Who else would run a toxic waste pipeline through a recreational area?"
"vagina as proof of God?"
I have to admit, I used to be sold on that one. For vagina truly is the world's most perfect food.
Ever have a drink go, "down the wrong pipe"? Why the hell is your breathing pipe located right next to your drinking pipe? Good design my ass.
"The way babies are made is truly beautiful."
I have to agree with that one. I love to watch porn.
I have to say, I'm not a fan of both semen and urine coming out of the same tube. Along with the great ability for your nose to fill with mucus making it quite hard to breathe. How about leaving the testicles on the outside of the body. I know it helps to regulate temperature, but I'd rather not have a sensitive area of the body so exposed.
Eh? I'm sorry, but the penis is not one of those examples of where multi-tasking = perfect.
And I maintain my position. If we were created by a god that thinks sex is so icky, then why did he make it necessary for our continued survival? Why did he not make it possible for us to reproduce asexually, or, even better, just keep making us out of dirt?
"The way babies are made is truly beautiful. Do you think there is no God after watching a baby grow and develop in the womb?..."
but of course is doesn't always work perfectly (unhappily) despite god watching over the baby developing.
Or does god deform babies as a punishment of some sort?
Umm, having a reproductive organ also be utilized for waste disposal is quite dangerous, and not particularly good design. Neither is having your respiratory system be centered around the area in which you intake food.
Also, this is all one huge argument from incredulity.
No offense, but if I had designed all this stuff, I would have put the places where the waste comes out a little further away from the fun stuff, ya know what I mean???
"The penis can pee and have semen come out of it. Only a good designer can make it this way. Did it just "evolve" this way?"
Gee... I dunno. That is a good point (sarcasm) why dont you ask a male dog whos penis seems to serve that very same function as a mans does? I mean after all... the design on that is just so unique expressly to human males only after all... (THICK LAYER OF SARCASM ALMOST ANGRY AT THIS INCOMPETENCE) ..... >.<
"The way babies are made is truly beautiful. Do you think there is no God after watching a baby grow and develop in the womb?..."
the forming of babies in the womb viewed as "beautiful" is a personal opinion to each and every person that is different. it relies on their mindset, personal views or values of life, and while the generally accepted sociable consensus is that couples feel joy knowing they are going to have a baby and love watching it being formed thru x rays or seeing the belly change in size and shape.... or single mothers even... there are also people out there that think its hideous disgusting painstakingly troublesome and bothersome. hence why we have ABORTION and THE PILL and CONDOMS and ABSTANENCE and 80 year old virgins (yes they ARE out there) because not EVERYONE views babies as "beautiful" or "the artful lovely work of God". Hence babies being formed or how they are formed has nothing to do with an appreciation of God or faith in him unless you DO IN FACT HAVE FAITH IN HIM or believe this to be true. So your point is moot and dead.
side note: are you a woman? have you ever been pregnant Eternal? vomiting? diarrhea? morning sickness? swollen limbs? sore tits? nausea? headaches and sometimes extreme illness out of nowhere? You call that period of a womans cycle in life BEAUTIFUL and GOD GIVEN? Ill stay a virgin thanks. Im not cut out to be a mother or a procreator for God then.
Fundie Thinking: Item #4
1 Take any piece of biology. Give a good long think (perhaps as long as one second!) about how it could have appeared without a desinger, keeping in mind while you do so that the Bible is true.
2 When you cannot think of an expert and highly detailed model for it's evoloution, conclude that it did not evolve and Goddidit.
Just because it exists does not mean it was desinged, morons.
>>Do you think there is no God after watching a baby grow and develop in the womb? How can it just evolve like that?<<
Human gestation evolved the way it did because it was the first way that it evolved that gave a reproductive advantage.
An intelligent designer would have done better, like arrange things so that it was impossible for a baby to strangle itself on its own umbilical cord. Then the surgeon wouldn't have had to do the caesarian on my mother.
This proves that your god, if it exists, is a terrible designer who executes design features at which even a first year engineering student would scoff. Of course, this is not new; look at our eyes, pelvises, spines, sinuses, tracheas, etc. Why do these organs have such basic, and sometimes lethal, design flaws?
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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