"If there is no God, then we are just animals, why would we have morals?"
I could murder/rape/harm a man/woman/child, but I choose not to. Mainly because I wouldn't like it if someone did the same to me.
I could smoke myself into an early grave, but I choose not to. Mainly because the sight of others smoking behind the bike sheds at school - inhaling that crap deliberately - put me off doing so for life.
I could become a walking distillery, so as to put Oliver Reed to shame, but I choose not to. Mainly because watching a relative die of complete circulatory collapse due to extreme alcohol poisoning, in my youth, served as the perfect object lesson-cum-aversion therapy; trust me, watching that isn't a pretty sight, instead I drink in moderation.
I could become a walking pharmaceutical lab, taking every known & unknown) hallucinogen, but I choose not to. I like my brain 'as is', and don't fancy fucking up such with alien substances; if it ain't broke, don't fix it, and all that jazz.
Choosing to not behave as you fundies would stereotype we Atheists. Destroying any & all your so-called 'arguments'. Feels good, man.
Moral: I choose to be a normal, decent, civilised, non-believer - and thus piss off you fundies - because I can. No 'Morals' required. Religion doesn't have the monopoly on them, you know.
@Snopester in Exile
That was on BBC & Sky News here in the UK. Proof that Cats are Awesome indeed. b=^_^=d