Jews are heavily overrepresented in hedge fund management.
More often than not the privileged Jews turn around and use the vast wealth they’ve skimmed from the productive sector of the economy to advance anti-White, pro-Jewish, and Left-wing causes, thereby harming America and the world in two ways — economically through callous and shortsighted market operations, and politically through their “philanthropy” and lavish political donations. George Soros has done enormous harm to Whites worldwide in this manner.
Paul Singer is another such individual. He pushes homosexuality and other Jewish causes within the Republican Party and at elite gatherings in Davos, Switzerland and other places.
Unlike the so-called “robber barons” of yore, who in most cases were economically productive and innovative men, there is no media or academic crusade against today’s robber barons. Despite their social and economic power and privilege the names of hedge fund managers are virtually unknown even to educated and informed people, never mind the general public.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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