I'm a christian also. I find that the words in the bible are bable to most woman. They don't comprehend it like men. No one is perfect but most women just don't really care about anything unless it's been taught to them by a parent from their youth.
I work for some churches and the women their complain incessantly like children. They make up things to complain about.
The same applies for women everywhere, they still need someone to tell them to shut up regularly.
The Passage that says "Women are to remain silent in the church" means nothing. They have semi-femi groups pushing for more jobs, more power, higher postions, more say so, more pay, more stories told about women in the bible. The same games, same entitlement types go to church. How about Shutting up and NO!
If church women were any better than the divorce rates in church would not be the same as non-church members, but it is.
Few women have any integrity, period.
"I'm a muslim also. I find that the words in the qu'ran are bable to most woman. They don't comprehend it like men. No one is perfect but most women just don't really care about anything unless it's been taught to them by a parent from their youth.
I work for some mosuqes and the women their complain incessantly like children. They make up things to complain about.
The same applies for women everywhere, they still need someone to tell them to shut up regularly.
The Passage that says "Women are to remain silent in the mosque" means nothing. They have semi-femi groups pushing for education, more power, western clothes, more say so, the right to leave their homes without a male chaperone, more stories told about women in the qu'ran. The same games, same entitlement types go to mosque. How about Shutting up and NO!
If islam women were any better than the death rates in the mosque would not be the same as for non-mosque members, but it is."
All I had to do was change around and add a few words. The first thing that I thought of when I read his fucking shit was that that sounds just like a muslim...
So, to Bin Laden, oops, I meant Billy, fuck you. Just... fuck you!
Yeah, but those are stereotypes. There are some women who are not morons.
.. I haven't met a whole lot of them, but I've heard there are a number of them who do exist, and I'm pretty sure there's a few on the Internets.
@ BogsDollocks, don't associate the hateful misogyny displayed by Billy with homosexuality, repressed or otherwise. Anyhoo, Billy's ideal woman is a repressed little farm-girl from rural Utah who cooks, cleans, cops lots of punches and sucks his dick (though probably not well) on demand. What a man you are, you big hero. What a man. I hope you're sterile, because any children you might raise would be deeply, deeply disturbed by your hate.
"They have semi-femi groups pushing for more jobs, more power, higher postions, more say so, more pay, more stories told about women in the bible. The same games, same entitlement types go to church. How about Shutting up and NO!"
Why? Because what's good for you is all that matters?
@929440: You only wish this shit was a Poe.
Read the entire thread, it's full of them, and they're all pretty serious. One of them has a comic in his signature where it appears that a woman tomahawks her husband to death for alimony.
...whatever the logic behind that is.
@ The Lazy One
Someone must have gotten beat up by a girl a lot when he was little!
I'd bet it's still going on, on a regular basis. Billy - go join the He Man Woman Hater's Club, Spanky, Prezudint.
"If church women were any better than the divorce rates in church would not be the same as non-church members, but it is."
Hate to tell you this, Billy, but the divorce rates for Protestants is worse than non-members.
I wonder if it could be because of your attitude.
Not only can Billy not get laid or even get a date to save his life, he's been repeatedly passed over in school and in his career by women who were smarter and better than him in every respect. Just look at the spelling and grammar, FFS.
The only hope he had of obtaining the power and position of superiority that he sees as his rightful place in the world was to join up with some fundy church where he thought all of the women would be subservient and submissive to him, and get one of them to take his shit for the rest of her life, but even they won't have him.
This reeks of violence waiting to happen, I'm glad I don't live next door to him.
You know, I actually thought that site was absolutely fucking hilarious. Absolute best poe I've ever read. Then I started reading the comments. I had to close it when they started rationalizing, justifying, and encouraging rape.
I doubt this is a poe. I once went to a church service on the Gulf Coast of Mississippi (the church my parents got married in) and the sermon that day was almost just like this. Basically about how God commanded women to be quiet, so they should all just shut up. That's literally what he said.
...I hate living in the fucking Bible Belt.
Edit: I checked out the site. The site itself is satirical, but I have my doubts about most of the posters, including this one.
Ya know, I kind of abandoned the whole "no girls allowed" in my, um, clubhouse around about eight years old.
I realized that I actually cared about what women think and feel.
I'm guessing that Billy's either never gotten laid, or, in the highly unlikely event that he has, he was unable to provide even an iota of pleasure to his partner and she told him so with an almost brutal honesty.
I hope your mother is deeply, deeply ashamed of you. She went through a lot of pain to bring you into this world and look at how you repay her; you insult other women. You need us, Billy. Without us, you would never be here. Men would become extinct.
And thanks to modern science and vibrators, men are no longer needed for reproduction.
However, I know a lot of very nice men and I don't believe in genocide, so we'll just have to let you and your ilk live. Damn.
"that the words in the bible are bable [sic] to most woman [sic]"
Well, he got that right, at least. It *is* babble, whatever sex you are!
If women are so bad then how come it is you men with the testoserone that drives you to hunt, kill and fight?
I know there are guys out there that can keep their inner ape in check, but some don't. Case in point: football, a game where the object is to bash into other guys (yeah, its a gross oversimplification, but I don't care).
Why do men blame women for their violance?
Sadly I think this comment is for real. Have you looked at his website? It's misogyny on a grand scale!
What's worse is the number of supporters he has. I'm just glad I found a decent fella, not a caveman.
re post #929772
Ignore everything I just said.
It's not Billy's website. Billy is just a sad fanboy.
This is what I get for posting before caffeine! Sorry...
*to Luci*:One testicular cancer, dear. Followeth it with a prostate one, I don't have a time to mess up with earth, I hath the whole another universe to run.
Love you, G0d.
If church women were any better than the divorce rates in church would not be the same as non-church members, but it is.
If men like you would get their asses into the 21'st century, maybe women wouldn't mind sticking around with you. Just a thought.
You're the reason I'm a lesbian.
Euh, isn't that the argument christians always make, that homosexuality is a conscious choice ?
I don't think meeting a nice well educated friendly respectful male (like me ;) ) would change your sexuality to heterosexual, now would it ? :D
The same applies for women everywhere, they still need someone to tell them to shut up regularly. "
You're disgusting and shouldn't be calling yourself a man.
My understanding is that the site is meant as a parody, but some people take it seriously.
Kindof the opposite of Conservidipedia (meant serious but a lot of people write there as a parody), but comes down to the same difference: it's impossible to tell the Poe's apart from the trolls.
Dear Billy,
I'm a pagan woman. I'm smarter than you could ever hope to be. I can even spell babble correctly AND I know that Christian should be capitalized, unlike you, who apparently knows little about your own religion. And I, a woman, have too much integrity to sit around maligning all men because of the actions of a few of them. So, dear Billy, looks like you fail in the intelligence and integrity department. That leaves nothing but violence for you to use to justify your existence. Know where that's going to get you? Prison, where you'll likely be guarded by women who'll be ordering you around for the rest of your life. Do drop me a line and let me know how that works out for you, kay? I'll be out here in the free world with the rest of the smart, intelligent women and men who don't follow your retarded Bronze Age psychobabble (that's two B's, dear Billy) and we'll all be laughing at you.
How is this not a 5?!
Menarebetterthanwomen.com, americanwomensuck.com and nomarriage.com are the stormfront of misogyny. We really need a Misogynists say the darndest things just to mine these sites!
Unfortunately, this is not a poe. These people are serious. There is even a small movement to repeal the 19th amendment.
"I find that the words in the bible are bable to most woman."
1. You want to use the plural there, it's "women" not "woman". See when you replace the "a" with an "e" it makes it mean more them one woman, and the statement "to most women" actually... you know, make sense.
2. It's babble. There's this nifty thing that when you spell a word wrong it underlines it in a nifty, easy to see red zigzagged line. If you just right click over that word it has suggestions on *real* words you can use.
3. So are you saying that women are actually more intelligent then men because they can see the bible for what it really is?
Oh and as for the rest of your post, GTF out of the gene pool you sexist pig!
I am rather hesitant to tell you this, as the facts as I am about to present them should be abundantly self-evident, however, this bears saying:
Men who constantly belittle women rather than examining their own faults do not get female attention. Further, men who are stupid enough to think that they are superior rather than equal do not get female attention.
Women do not want to have sex with knuckle draggers like yourself.
Don't be pissed off at us because you can't get any, when all you'd have to do is evolve beyond the redneck bullshit your daddy/pastor/prison buddies taught you and you'd at least be able to attract the occasional willing female.
I know this because I am a ripe and receptive female. Generally. I think exposure to your bullshit would make the vagina disgusted and she'd close herself down for the length of time of your presence in the room.
Wow. Misogynist bastard, much?
I'd like to put in a vote for a Sexists/Misogynists Say The Darnedest Things site, please.
I see. You do babble on so don't you, making shit up about women to complain about.
May my future guy be nothing like you.
Men and women are different, of course, but apart from their technical (and maybe emotional) differences, they are just people.
I demand that they, men and women, are treated as equals as far as possible.
'The same applies for women everywhere, they still need someone to tell them to shut up regularly.'
Actually it applies to fundies everywhere - they need to be told to shut up regularly, especially misogynist assholes like Billy.
'Few women have any integrity, period.'
Few fundies have any integrity, period - including you!
I hope you never get laid & that the first woman you date kicks you in the nuts after she hears your fundy bullshit.
I know someone who'll never get married.
btw, Billy, if you have such a low opinion of women, why don't you just marry a dude? Oh yeah, cuz you're probably against gay people too. Damn, there's just no pleasing you.
Few women have any integrity?! I'd laugh myself sick, but I'm just too disgusted. In my experience, it's men who have brazenly lied to my face, pretended to care about me just to get in my pants, used me for sex then called me a slut, denied me any career advancement because I was nothing but a dirty whore...
You call THAT integrity?
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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