You completely miss the point. Of course there will always be hypocrites who will attempt to bend and misuse the scriptures to justify their own position. We have exactly the same situation today where some people claim that God does not condemn homosexuality as a sin. These people are hypocrites. The Bible always condemned the type of slavery that was practiced in the U.S. and some other Western nations for a short while. E.g. Ex 21:16. This form of slavery was a product of Muslim doctrine and slavery practices that greedy people in the West took to their own and then tried to justify, exactly as people try to justify the immoral practices these days that denigrate and disrespect sexual fidelity. People will wake up long before fifty years are up because the lies regarding homosexuality that are promulgated these days are profound and slowly becoming more obvious to even the most ignorant.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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