Fundie: not just for the religious anymore.
This site isn't for just Christian or Religious fundamentalists. Look back in the archives and you'll see plenty of other cases. One comes to mind of a guy from California who set himself on fire to protest Spring break being renamed Easter break at the local school district.
That being said, the OP is definitely crazy. Yeah, the Earth is overpopulated. That doesn't mean that murder is suddenly acceptable. (for reference sake, I believe abortion should be discouraged (i.e. promote birth control), but should remain legal until ~2nd trimester or in cases of rape, incest, or extremely severe physical defect. [roughly when the embryo becomes more than a clump of cells]) *I'm not an embryologist, so timing may vary.)
Also, why is abstinence "utterly unacceptable to nearly any normal person"? I'm not advocating strict timing, but if there's no form of reliable birth control around, it's probably a bad idea.
Also noted, the rest of this guy's comments on the original forum are also crazy.
Hey, MattShizzle, it's not about protecting babies in particular, it's about protecting humans. Not "potential humans", but living, breathing, internally-autonomous, sentient beings. Judging someone's right to life based upon their current ability to life doesn't work. I didn't have much in the way of cognition at that age (0-2), but I sure enjoy it now. (yes, I know some of my statements could be used to suggest that abortion is immoral altogether, but I don't feel like crosschecking everything right now)