Interracial marriage/relationships: Dominionists believe that Interracial marriage/relationships contradicts God's Laws, and is indeed unhealthy for Society in general. Dominionists believe that those involved in interracial relationships, should be subject to deportation to another country that accepts such relationships. For those who refuse deportation, Dominionists believe that relocation to Slave/Hard Labor Detention Camps would be appropriate, with Children being allowed to live with their Mothers in such facilities.
Hey! Dominionist is our word for insulting you people! (No, really).
Shouldn't this also be in RSTDT? :/ (Also, something about this quote tells me it might be a parody/joke).
"Dominionists believe that those involved in interracial relationships should be subject to deportation to another country that accepts such relationships".
Well Nicholas this country accepts such relationships so there's no need for deportation. However you can leave if you want to.
I hope you contract Ebola Zaire, then die in a fire, on a boat, you ignorant, racist, clownshoe, asshatted windowshitter.
Better still - I hope you run into me on a dark night, in a secluded alley, in an abandoned part of town. I'll open a fucking socket to your division!
Why would you want Boomer or a Twi'lek female?
It would have to be Six, the scientist from Tripping the Rift for me :)
I hope you contract Ebola Zaire, then die in a fire, on a boat, you ignorant, racist, clownshoe, asshatted windowshitter.
Better still - I hope you run into me on a dark night, in a secluded alley, in an abandoned part of town. I'll open a fucking socket to your division!
"...believe that relocation to Slave/Hard Labor Detention Camps would be appropriate, with Children being allowed to live with their Mothers in such facilities."
I am curious as to how Nicholas here would solve the "problem" of people who are ALREADY born, and who are mixed-race. Example being my kids, who are 1/2 Native American, 1/4 Irish, and 1/4 Spanish. Do they have to leave the country too, or only me and my husband? Or do they just have to stay single unless they can find someone with the exact same racial makeup as they have? Or- wait!- would my husband have to leave too anyway, since HIS parents were of different races? Geez, it's so confusing being a dipshit racist 9_9
These Dominionists are just a bunch of wanking bigots. What a shame that there are still people so ass-backwards in the 21st century.
Fuck you, the ass you rode in on, and your weenie friends too. With broken glass dipped in arsenic.
Get out of the US if you don't like it here. Take your own damned advice huh? No one's forcing you to stay, so pack your shit, buy a plane ticket and move out.
I have a mixed family.
The kids are beautiful, and they're smarter than you.
Come try it. Please.
Now do be a good boy and die in a blazing fire.
/not, I say, NOT in a good mood this morning.
"Dominionists believe that Interracial marriage/relationships contradicts God's Laws, and is indeed unhealthy for Society in general."
Yeah? Got any scripture to back that up?
'Dominionist'? More like DomMORONist, amirite?
As for interracial relationships, they must've had aneurysms when William Shatner & Nichelle Nichols kissed in THAT episode of Star Trek! (which I found inherently beautiful - and I was VERY jealous of Kirk! Uhura? RAWR! )
And remember Nicholarse, It was the Federation & Klingons who defeated the Dominion in Star Trek: Deep Space Nine. Dominionism will never get a foothold as long as free-thinking people exist.
“Interracial marriage/relationships: Dominionists believe that Interracial marriage/relationships contradicts God's Laws,”
Then you wouldn’t have enjoyed our wedding. Tough luck on you, we had a great time.
"and is indeed unhealthy for Society in general.”
This would be the society that voted for the draft-dodging traitor, Donald Trump? Fuck those guys.
"Dominionists believe that those involved in interracial relationships, should be subject to deportation to another country that accepts such relationships.”
Well, we’re both US citizens, so that’s not a legal option for you twat-waffles.
"For those who refuse deportation, Dominionists believe that relocation to Slave/Hard Labor Detention Camps would be appropriate, with Children being allowed to live with their Mothers in such facilities.”
Hey, if we’re violating god’s laws, why are you getting involved? Shouldn’t that be between me and your skybeast?
But slave labor for loving someone seems pretty fucked up.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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