Sharon Natsarim #fundie

Many articles and stories have been done covering the HPV vaccine and the damage it is doing to literally THOUSANDS of young girls. They cover every aspect of this vaccine from the company making it to Bill Gates pushing vaccines to the harm it has cause and the indifference of the doctors who give it out and so on. What I have noticed is that NO ONE seems to cover the MOST obviously Biblical correct stance on this and that would be ABSTINENCE.

HPV is very common and apparently most everyone has come into contact with it. Depending upon the type you run into you can be infected in various ways, such as genital warts, cancers of the anus, penis, vagina, and vulva and oropharynx—BUT most HPV types cause no symptoms and go away on their own. However, the younger the person is the less ability there is for their youthful immune systems to combat these invaders. Gee, go figure. So basically by pushing this vaccine they are saying—”there ya go, now your protected, go fornicate your little hearts out”.

Mankind often thinks they can outsmart God, except of course the ones who don’t believe He exists, they are indifferent to it all. Well, indifferent or not, their actions come with penalties in God’s world. The HPV vaccine, called “Gardasil” is causing horrible issues for these “CHILDREN” who should not even be considering becoming sexually active with multiple partners. Come on parents, teach your kids some morals. Talk to them about abstinence, teach them God’s word, live according to HIS laws or pay the ultimate price which is eternal hell without hope, without any of God’s goodness and torture at the hands of demons FOREVERMORE.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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