Henry Makow #fundie henrymakow.com

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Satanic possession means we are mental prisoners of the Masonic Jewish central bankers.

Cabalist (Masonic) Judaism is Satanism. (Satanism inverts good and evil; true and false; natural & unnatural.) The hit comedy Broad City is another example of how the mass media inducts society into Jewish dysfunction and perversity. This show is so offensive I can barely watch it.

Broad City chronicles the lives of two loudmouthed Jewish broads who have been cut loose from marriage and family by feminism. Socially and biologically redundant, they are going crazy but making it seem normal. They have no careers. No boyfriends. No charm. No beauty. The show is non-stop vulgarity, promiscuity, lesbianism and excretory references. Yet it is heralded as a brilliant "comedy" by virtually everyone. "Disgusting" is the new "funny."

Cabalist Judaism is about destroying the world in order to conquer it. The show normalizes mental illness, body odor, foul language and sexual obsession. It is pure evil and people are celebrating and embracing it. Western society doesn't know it is a Jewish solipsism. The Jewish experience is presented as a positive model. Gay Jewish behavior is presented as goy straight. (See also "TV's Luciferian message.") Satanic Jews and their Freemason allies indeed are God. They create a repugnant reality, homage to themselves and Satan.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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