Mike King #racist tomatobubble.com
The forbidden truth regarding the history of global genocide against ancient Aryan peoples is an "open secret" for anyone willing to do some basic research. From India to Central Asia to Germany, ancient Mongols, Turks and Huns have murdered or enslaved millions of Eurasian Aryans while destroying their artworks and centers of learning. North American Native legends (as well as archaeological evidence) strongly suggest that a “War on Whites” also occurred in North and Central America, long before Al Sharpton, Barack Obongo, Eric the Red Holder, and 'La Raza' came along.
This all makes for fascinating history, but that’s not the purpose of this piece. What is, you ask? To quote the Spanish philosopher George Santayana, “Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.” It's reality check time folks! The various fair skinned peoples are once again being targeted in an unmistakable “War on Whites” which is being orchestrated by Zionist supremacists; a Caucasian subset which seeks to be the only Caucasian race in town.
It is not for nothing that a Jewish playwright named Israel Zangwill coined the term “The Melting Pot”.
The Zio-Globalist goal is to “blend” out and eventually, by instigating other races, kill out the last of the Aryans / Whites, especially those of the purer Nordic variety. Oh you foolish, deluded liberals of Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Britain, Canada, Germany, Holland and American Suburbia! You pathetic and undeserving heirs of the great Viking bloodlines. Can you not see that your good and gentle natures are being skillfully used against you in a Judo-like (or shall we say 'Jewdo-like) fashion? Can you not see the bold-lettered obituary written on the wall of your future? Can you not see the bewildered and desperate faces of your own unborn grandchildren (what few of them there will be) cowering on those Peruvian and Iraqi mountain tops?
Tolerance and respect for other peoples and cultures does not mean that the descendants of Europa should dismantle their own cultures, finish off their bloodlines, and turn over their nations to Jewish Supremacists and their unwitting third world shock troops. God forbid! You see, those high-sounding platitudes about "multi-culturalism" and "tolerance" and "diversity" are really not about "love". Not at all. No, the anti-White agenda is all about HATE!
The intensely racist Jewish Supremacist has always been consumed with a malevolent envy of Aryans. Jewish Supremacists also believe that with "the evil White Man" gone, they will more easily lord over the "schwartzas", browns and yellows; all of whom they look down their lying hooked noses upon.
Unless “dumb blonds” (a Jewish Supremacist slur!) and others of the European Family wake up and bloody damn soon, the last pure remnants of today’s childless, ageing, decadent and "diversifying" Western Aryans could, within a generation or two, find themselves holed up in the mountain tops of the Rockies and the Alps - just like the terrified Chachapoyas of yesteryear, and the terrified Yazidis of today. Alarmist you say? The Yazidis of Iraq and the Cloud People of Peru must have once thought so too; to say nothing of the 400,000 dirt-poor White South Africans now languishing in the decrepit squatter camps of the very nation their ancestors built.
Wake up Whitey. Off of your knees and wake up!