can we "prove it"? no.
can we "know" it's true? yes.
we know it's true because God has given us faith to accept it. proof does not work.
We know there's a God, otherwise we wouldn't know there's a God.
we know God exists because we know God exists because we know God exists because we know God exists because we know God exists because we know God exists because we know God exists because we know God exists because we know God exists because we know God exists because we know God exists because we know God exists because we know God exists because we know God exists because we know God exists because we know God exists because we know God exists because we know God exists because we know God exists because we know God exists because we know God exists because we know God exists because we know God exists because we know God exists because we know God exists because we know God exists because we know God exists because we know God exists because we know God exists because we know God exists because we know God exists because we know God exists because we know God exists because we know God exists because we know God exists because we know God exists because we know God exists because we know God exists because we know God exists because we know God exists because we know God exists because we know God exists because we know God exists because we know God exists because we know God exists because we know God exists because we know God exists because we know God exists because we know God exists because we know God exists because we know God exists because...
In other words you have no evidence. Right thanks, I'll be leaving now.
Faith is believing what you know ain't so - Mark Twain.
This person is admitting that their religion is based on faith, which it is. If they were saying, "Science proves that Genesis is correct." or, "Historical records prove that Jesus was real." They'd be ripe for a lesson in reality. As it is though, this person is actually acknowledging that there is on proof for god, a point I agree with wholeheartedly.
But then man points out the immense complexity of life and the universe (and everything), thus providing proof that God exists. Since there's proof, then faith is unnecessary. Without faith, God does not exist (and disappears in a poof of logic).
Long story short, there used to be a God but he's dead now.
"He was born a pauper to a pawn on a Christmas day
When the New York Times said God is dead
And the war's begun"
Actual headline that no one freaked out about in 1941, or about to this day, but would go ballistic over any headline like that now in America. Even that song got away with it years ago but in the American climate of today they'd be calling for righteous retrubution.
"because the times, they are a'changing"
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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