EXACTLY! Johnson & Johnson had 37% of the market share at the time of the murders. Afterward, it dropped down to 7%. They had the "safety seal" packaging invented and fully implemented and Tylenol back on the store shelves within 7 weeks of the murders. (how is that even possible from concept to retail??). They took over the whole market at that time because they beat the rest of all over-the-counter drugs to the packaging.
THEY are the criminals. My research points to the tainting occurring in the distribution chain, in Melrose Park, IL. J&J, with tremendous help from the FBI (who did not have jurisdiction over the case as product tampering was just a misdemeanor at the time) and FDA to release themselves of all liability to the victims by blaming the madman in the stores.
Read The Tylenol Mafia: Marketing, Murder and Johnson & Johnson to find out more. (LOTS to read)
A much more simple story is TYMURS: The 1982 Tylenol Cyanide Murders (TYMURS is the FBI code word for the murders). It is 115 pages just covering the massive cover-up of this crime and investigation.
This case is unsolved-- and never can be truly solved because the FBI turned over all the bottles for "testing" to the liable corporation-- Johnson & Johnson. They tested less than 1% and destroyed the rest. They did not want the public to know just how much cyanide was out there. Testing all of the bottles would prove it happened in the repackaging facility-- and no "madman" running store-to-store could taint hundreds, if not thousands of bottles.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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