Look Mr. Bowman If you have ever sinned you got demons
So by your definition then everybody, every single christian including yourself is surrounded by and/or possessed by demons. Unless that is, you consider yourself or others to be sinless, which is quite unlikely given the number of outright lies you throw around in your post. Wonder what the bible has to say about that...Hmmmm....
your are not as holy as you think you are
And neither are you, all though your hubris doubtlessly prevents you from seeing that.
How many demons have you cast out Mr Scholar? Thats what I thought ZERO
Wow! That's the exact same number of demons you have "cast out".
because you would run like a scared chiken like most anti deliverance clowns.
Most "anti deliverance clowns" AKA people of at least moderate intelligence would make sure the supposedly "possessed" person got the mental healthcare they no doubt deserve. Unless of course if you are the one seeing demons behind every corner, then you would be the one in need of mental health care.
Yet you talk like your some kind of expert, and your not!
And yet you seem to think that you're the expert. Oh! Let me guess, you are a 16th level Demonologist, am I right?
Your full of pride thats why you do not understand it.
Are you consumed by your own arrogance that you don't see you are just as prideful as those you seek to condemn? You think you see all the flaws in others, all the while convenietly ignoring those same flaws in yourself.
I chalenge you to underline every time jesus cast out demons you well find that almost every page will be underlined
Have you ever even read the bible? Other than a few notable mentions there is hardly any references to jesus casting out demons unless your are willing to twist verses to say or infer things that they don't.
there were certain cases that people brought their loved one to jesus but not in all cases.
And you know this how? Have you been reduced to making grandiose claims of secret knowledge in order to convince others (and likely yourself too) that you are somehow "special"?
Stop letting holywood give you ideas about how demons act.
Stop letting fundamentalist websites give you ideas about how non existant things you call demons act.
As far as childs suff toy being demonic did you know that doll comes from the word idol
Newsflash, just because words sound similar in english doesn't mean those words share the same etymology. It's not as if english is the original laguage, the etymology of many words have their origins in greek and latin, as opposed to english's decidely germanic origins.
idols do carry demons air head!
What next? Are you going to devolve into calling people "meanies" and threatening to take your ball and go home unless everything is done your way? What are you 10 years old?