"rock music is a product of a disoriented, despairing, drug-related sex-mad generation."
No, you may not care for much of it, but that doesn't mean it's "disoriented, despairing, drug-related or sex-mad' person who create it.
"There’s no question about that."
There IS a BIG question about that. However, there is NO question as to your being an ignorant assbite.
"The first big rock singer was Elvis Presley, who killed himself with drugs and who went through women, you know, continuously."
That was probably the problem. Elvis over-stressed himself going through wemon. I've found it much easier to simply fo around persons of either gender.
"And he gave rise to the whole rock generation. He was the first,"
No, Elvis was did not single-handedly give rise to the rock genre, nor was he the first to have a rock "hit."
"and his whole act was sexual, sensual, you know;"
Sexual and sensual, yes, but there were other facets to his performance, too, like, say, the music.
"it was terrible."
Sexual and sensual things are not necessarily terrible, some of them are great. Just because you're uncomfortable in your skin and scared of your "God given" sexuality, does mean that the rest of us have to be.
"Elvis Presley, a Monarch mind-controlled slave, believed he had a twin that communicated with him spiritually."
Whether or not Elvis was demented is irrelevant to his musical contributions.
"In the Angel Times magazine, (Oct. issue), a childhood friend of Elvis states that Elvis communicated with beings as a child."
Angel Times magazine? Sounds like a truly reliable source, huh?
"These being had showed Elvis a vision of dancing, and of people "dressed in white with colors all around." While it is popular to dismiss the vanishing twin phenomena with superficial medical explanations, or with alien theories, at least of some of the phenomena is the result of the Illuminati’ s massive system of abuse, where they need babies for sacrifice, experiments and programming."
It's popular to dismiss it because it has been shown to be utter twaddle.
There is no Illuminati.
No such baby sacrificing system exists.
You are full of shit.