Actually, the true Muslims think most people are the devil, and they want to kill all non-Muslims and blacks. For a little more information on the subject, go to the Chick Tract website and read the tracks about what Isalm's "Bible" the Koran actually teaches.
Better idea dumbass, Check the Koran out of the library and read it yourself! This, folks, is why everybody else looks down on fundies. They are too stupid to look stuff up themselves, so they go to "false prophets" like Jack Chick (who doesn't even believe the fake shit he publishes, he just makes large amounts of money off fundie paranoia and bigotry, easy pickings) and spout his crap. Little led sheep!
Muslims want to kill blacks? Uh-oh, better not tell that to the millions of black Africans and African-Americans who ARE Muslims.
And, for a little more information on the subject, the hell with Chicken Tracks; go directly to the source.
Is Chick an authorised source?, For me, a guy who says that IHS in the Roman Catholic world stands for Isis Horus and Seth, is not actually a scholar. And just for the record, kill all blacks?, if we regard Nations of Islam and all the north African places where Islam is prevalent, I think that you´re confirming HE´S A FUCKING MORON.
I dont need to read a Chick tract to know what the Q'ran says. I have 2 copys of the Q'ran that I can read at any time.
And no, the Q'ran is not Islams bible. it is Islams Q'ran . Please see the difference.
Now I think you owe a few hundred million muslims an appology for lying about them.
Get to it.
The poster is right to some degree. In Sam Harris' The End of Faith , he extracted from the first 6 chapters of the Qur'an hundreds of anti-infidel quotes.
As for what it says about blacks, Louis Farrakhan would like a word with you.
Guys, guys, guys. You're giving Disciple too much credit. He's not going to read a Chick tract: he's going to look at the pictures and have someone else read it to him. It's obvious he was dictating this to someone.
It's "Islam," genius, not "Isalm." And why waste your time with Chick when offers three side-by-side translations of the Koran (for the non-Arabic-reading among us) for free?
...That's right, because you need someone to tell you what to think. I forget it's possible to stay that stupid.
If I want information on the Koran, I'll ask an actual Muslim, or better yet, read the Koran.
If I want a cheap laugh at the stupidity of people who have no clue what they are talking about, I'll read a Chick Tract.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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