(He is talking about his wife)
I totally agree that a good long cry during the spanking will indicate, and result in a very sweet contrite spirit, and a nice submissive attitude for hours after a spanking that has been properly and lovingly given. Never stop the spanking when she starts crying, that is the beginning of a very valuable lesson she is about to learn. I believe the spanking should at least continue until she starts to cry softly, sometimes even longer. Afterward Her sweetness and submissiveness will be wonderful.
Dave, go put your family jewels in a blender, and set in on "puree", you misogynist wife-beating waste of skin and natural resoures.
"Afterward Her sweetness and submissiveness will be wonderful."
Personally, I think it would be better if she were sweet to you because she loved you, not because she was afraid of having the stuffing knocked out of her. Again.
"a spanking that has been properly and lovingly given"
You don't know what love is, you abusive, misogynistic, sadistic bastard.
As Jesus Klingon said, you don't deserve a wife.
Nope, no matter how you present it Dave, it's still domestic violence. Thus, you're still an asshole.
You are a fucking sadist. A fucking creepy piece of shit excuse for a human being. I hope your bitch decides that you need a little dicipline with a baseball bat because you sound like you could really use it asshole. As a matter of fact I'll happlily volunteer to help her out.
Disguising your masochism as religion and then having the balls to justify the mistreatment of your wife. I hope you bleed out slowly in a single car accident on a lonley, forgotten road in a rain storm. Or better yet, you give a really big biker an excuse to snap each one of your fucking knees in half. Either way, I wouldn't walk across the street to piss on you if you were on fire you useless fucking bastard.
Not exactly... The whole site it full of this, so either it's genuine (in which case, holy fucken shit batman!) or it's an elaborate... somethingorother. But rather than parody, I'm leaning to the theory that it's actually a specific type of bdsm fantasy: "oh honey let's play Christian Spanking again; I've been a bad bad wife: I didn't read my Bible today, I need to be taught a goooood lesson for being sooooo baaaaaad".
Unfortunately, there was a post/discussion on that site that mentioned erotic spanking as opposed to discipline spanking. Which makes my theory less likely, and so maybe Dave really does need to DIAF.
Either way: [voice = HAL]Dave? You're a fucking loony Dave.[/voice]
Time to put the "die" in Fundie, if Dave is for real.
However, I think Dave is full of shit.
I agree with Euclid & DaMan - there's something odd about all this.
I don't think it's a parody, but I've seen real BDSM / fetish sites that have had this kind of, er... 'authentic user interface'.
Then again, I've also seen real xian sites that have used the bible to justify real BDSM.
Go figure.
(I am talking about Dave)
I totally agree that a good long cry during the spanking will indicate, and result in a very sweet contrite spirit, and a nice humble attitude for hours after a spanking that has been properly and lovingly given. Never stop the spanking when he starts crying, that is the beginning of a very valuable lesson he is about to learn. I believe the spanking should at least continue until he starts to cry softly, sometimes even longer. Afterward his sweetness and humility will be wonderful.
(Of course, to achieve even greater effect, you could try spanking him with a chainsaw.)
Actually, I think Joshua the Anointed would be as appalled as you are.
A.) You have your fetishes mixed up; sadism and masochism are not the same thing.
B.) Don't lump people who engage in domestic abuse in with BDSM people. We don't like them either.
Anyone else get the feeling that these people are repressed as hell, and if they weren't too busy being fundie, they'd be happily engaged in real, consensual D/s relationships? I do. Every time I read one of these, it makes me sad for that reason.
Die in a ditch, covered in petrol on fire... TWICE!
I'd laugh my head off at someone thinking they could spank me.. well.. unless we were.. never mind. And any woman that would put up with this tripe is absolutely, certifiably insane.
Sad thing is if you read over their articles, they think that you and I are just indoctrinated by evil feminism. That in truth we would be so much more happy if our men stood up and beat the snot out of us. They also ban and delete people of opposing viewpoints, because they are "tired of defending themselves" and dealing with emotional women who need punishment and cowardly men who are afraid to stand against the feminist regime.
Fundamentalist religion meets The Story of O perchance?
Mind you, people have combined wackier fetishes with their religion in the past ... but I'm tempted to regard this Dave character as a prime candidate for the Lorena Bobbitt treatment ...
That site is an established BDSM site. Since when do you care what consenting adults do? Why should I give a shit if a couple gets off with spankings, or anything else really?
(Yes, the site even says that "domestic disipline" requires consent).
How fucking SICKO can you be to treat your wife/GF/SO/one-night-stand/whore/anyeffin'one so horribly?
Dave, do the whole universe a big favor, and go die in an acid-filled bath. On fire. While being shot by a firing squad... and fucking yourself with a chainsaw you can't turn off.
On second thought, no. That's way too mild a punishment for such despicable scum. I'll have to think of a better suggestion...
@ Kuzih
Yeah.. I've read more of the stuff.. not there, but in other places. They can't grasp the concept that they can have a healthy self-esteem without beating, belittling and degrading females. They are sick and twisted individuals.. and religion all religion is what gives these idiots the cover to commit these crimes. It's a shame that more people don't realize this and put modern religion where it belongs.. in the same category as past religions/mythologies. Something we learn about in literature and history classes, but give no credibility to.
In other news, a local man was killed after his mattress caught fire, destroying his house as well and charring his remains almost beyond identification. The cause of the blaze is undetermined and his wife's whereabouts are unknown.
[Papa Lazarou]You're my wife now, Dave....[/Papa Lazarou]
(It's a League of Gentlemen thing - but I recommend being VERY scared.)
That is, quite possibly, the most disturbing thing I have read. I don't advocate spanking for kids , but this-
[edit] Consensus seems to be that this is a BDSM site, in which case it's fine, but...
This is, unfortunately, not BDSM. There's an entire "sect" I guess you'd call them of Christians who believe that men running the household includes punishing the wife.
When they say "consent" they're referring to something they call "non-consensual consent" in which the wife has given an overarching "ok" to the relationship. She's allowed to retract her consent at any time...except right before, during, or after a punishment. Which, any psychiatrist will tell you, is the only time she ever actually stands a chance of being close enough to sanity to try to say "no."
Also, retracting consent would be a violation of the way Jesus wants her to live and her husband would probably leave her or otherwise make her life hell for it. The site used to say that consent was not even required, but that's encouraging wife abuse and so they eventually changed it to avoid legal troubles.
It's not BDSM, there's no safe word. The punishment is real, the pain is real. It's a twisted, sick perversion of marriage that relies on Stockholm syndrome to keep functioning. Most of these women never escape this life because their mentality is exactly that of a child who is spanked for misbehaving: I did something wrong, he has the natural, God-given, right to correct me, I deserved it.
If someone started to beat on me, I'd turn around and say "What the HELL are you doing?". No sweetness or submissiveness here. I might show sweetness if he came home with a flower for me, and said he'd fix dinner tonight.
I sincerely hope that Dave's wife will start spanking him in return.
Will Dave start crying softly then, and will his submissiveness be wonderful?
If someone hit me, I'd hit him/her back, with interest.
I normally do not advocate violence, but in this case, the man is incurable and little more than a source of suppressive misery. Any wife of his not wholly stuck in the thrall of Stockholm syndrome would be justified in slitting his throat in his sleep. Human beings of any gender and stripe as deluded in faith as Dave, should serve as a stern warning to the rest of us about the dangers of theological fanaticism.
I would never spank a women , except as foreplay, and then risk going to sleep with her in the room. I like all my bits right where they are and an angry woman with a big knife (ok, little knife) can be trouble.
Let us know how it works out for you.
(*Sings; interspersed with whipcracks & paddle smacks *):
'And they shall know we are Christians by our kinks, by our kinks...
...yes, they shall know we are Christians by our kinks!'
We will now sing hymn no. 69: "The Masochism Tango" by Tom Lehrer. X3
'...My heart entreats,
Just hear those savage beats,
And go put on your cleats
And come and trample me!'
Yes, o Mistress Eclair. Hurt me! Degrade me! I am as mere dirt under your exquisite stiletto heel! X3
(This thread: http://www.fstdt.net/QuoteComment.aspx?QID=84036 spring to mind, anyone?)
@Jack Bauer
'What's all this shouting; we'll have no trouble here! This is a local blog for local fundies!' [/Edward Tattysrup]
I guess Dave here also likes to take ze pleasure from ze boys , whilst showing them his 'pink pomphlet'. [/Herr Lipp] X3
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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