Rightwing pundit Ann Coulter seems to think freedom of religion is overrated.
Launching another in a long series of criticisms of immigration reform, Coulter went on an anti-Muslim tirade on conservative opinion show “Hannity” Monday night, saying the wife of dead Boston bombing suspect Tamerlan Tsnarnaev should be imprisoned for wearing a Muslim veil.
“I don’t care if she knew about this,” Coulter told Sean Hannity, the host of the Fox News show. “She ought to be in prison for wearing a hijab.”
It is not illegal in the United States to wear hijabs. Nevertheless, Muslim women often face harassment for wearing the religious garment, according to the American Civil Liberties Union.
Katherine Russell, a Rhode Island native, converted to Islam and began wearing a hijab after meeting Tsnarnaev, according to Yahoo! Shine.
“This immigration policy of us assimilating immigrants into our culture isn’t really working,” Coulter added. “They’re assimilating us into their culture. Did she get a clitorectomy too?”
Dear Ann... may you some day get the America that you hope for... where you have no rights just because you worship God in a different way... never mind worshipping a different god.
... and hopefully by that time I'll be far away in Canada.
Right then, freedom of religion is overrated
Mind if I dismantle all the "mobile churches" and transform all the others in historical monuments while we remove every mention of God everywhere and outlaw Christian schools ?
You sure won't buddy
Shorter Ann Coulter: [something outrageous] Look at me!!! Look at me!!! [something even more outrageous] Why aren't you looking at me??? Look at me!!!
She'll end up flashing her boobs just to get attention.
Koran and Bible.
Mutually exclusive claims.
Assimilation = cognitive dissonance.
The Borg were happy to assimilate Cpt Picard - they knew what it meant.
@#1534707 below
that one wasn't me either
The word 'pundit' refers to someone knowledgeable on a subject or range of subjects. Hence, as applied to Ann Coulter, it would have to be considered a grievous misnomer. She is no more than another right-wing lunatic fringe noise box.
I think Ann Coulter should be put in jail for, as a woman (although some have questioned this), daring to speak out in the assembly of men. St. Paul specifically forbids this.
And don't cry out about freedom of religion, lady. You want a woman jailed for a religious practice, no? Same applies to you, then.
BTW, when are you going to dress more modestly?
FGM is illegal in the United States and it's not practised in Chechnya. It mostly happens in the Middle East and Africa, where is prevalent among Christians as well as Muslims. Perhaps she can go and tell the grieving families of Muslim soldiers who died fighting for Uncle Sam how they are assimilating their neighbors.
I think that women shouldn't be coerced or shamed into wearing hijabs, either, but because it's discriminatory against women, not because it's a religious/cultural garment that's not Christian. However, if they want to wear it, it's their right.
Of course if someone suggested that Christian women shouldn't be allowed to wear necklaces with crosses on them, Ann (and Fox News) would have a shit fit.
It's a shame that people haven't yet figured out that Ann Coulter is a reactionary right-wing cunt with nothing important to say. Except maybe Fox News, which is why she keeps showing up there.
They’re assimilating us into their culture.
To quote the punch line of the old Lone Ranger joke, what do you mean "us", paleface?
I can say that by wearing such an obvious sign of a kind of worship that isn't trusted in this country will open people up to harassment. That should not be a surprise to anyone. It wasn't all that long ago that my pentacle would have gotten me most of the negative attention in a room.. and to a degree I still get some from a few random nutters that recognize it(but honestly most of them think it's a star of David anyway). Now it's more common to harass Muslims, or people who look like they might be Muslim.
And while I don't agree with the hijab and will tell anyone who asks that I think of it as nothing more than a chain around a woman's neck. I won't volunteer that to just any woman who walks by wearing one.
That's the difference between tolerance and bigotry. Something Ann doesn't understand.
Ah, Ann, expert on America and the freedoms it promotes. Freedoms like being put into prison for one's clothing choices. It's amazing she still has the time to muse on about the state of another woman's genitals.
So, the US of A is no longer a democracy, people are not allowed to dress how they want?
Has she ever seen how moderate Christian women dressed during the 14th century?
That does look a bit like a hijab, doesn't it.
If it really is the woman's (or man's) choice, s/he should be allowed to dress however s/he wants. Most of us agree that one should dress more or less modesty in public. But, what constitutes modesty is a question of taste, culture and habits.
Funy how these people always sniff about how freedoms are overrated with the assumption that they would be on the top.
Ann...honey, sweetie...never advocate a system you wouldn't be comfortable being on the bottom rung of. Because chances are, you will be.
Well, clitorectomy is not practicated by 90% of the Islamic world and the veil is not even worn by a sizable portion of muslim women. And, by the way, it's not a crime. So?
“She ought to be in prison for wearing a hijab.”
Nullum crimen, nulla poena sine praevia lege poenali
That's the very basis of our freedom, bitch.
Ann Coulter says that freedom of religion shouldn't exist. Ann Coulter shouldn't persecute people when she has no idea how it feels to be persecuted.
By the way, I'm in agreement with @genius13 here, guys. Don't drag transgender people into this. Focus on the fact that Coulter is a moron.
It irks me for one seriously, and as a third party to see this "Mann Coulter" crap going on.
That being said, immigrants and the in-group are certainly a rising problem, and most of these appear to be knee-jerk, emotional reactions, rather than responses. On top of this, segregating immigrants would only create an in-group vs. out-group mentality (ironically the oppressor screaming about oppression, good grief!) If freedom of religion is overrated, and we want an irreligious vacuum in its societal place, that includes the religions of the persecutors and the persecuted.
@Homeschool Hero: I wouldn't exactly wish to call Coulter a moron. It's better off deconstructing her statements the message, and not the messenger, is the key here imo.
Dear Ann, may you die horribly.
@ genius13:
Good point. I apologize for any times I've used the term and will endevour not to do so in the future.
One person choosing to convert to Islam because she married a Muslim (the fact that he was a homicidal maniac is irrelelant here) does not amount to "them assimiliating us into their culture."
It simply amounts to the Feedom of Religion in practice, which is guaranteed by your own Constitution. It is that same Constitutiuon that guarantees the right of moronic fundies to be moronic fundies without fear. It works both ways, you stupid cow.
Oh, and while I could consider a romp in the hay with even the likes of Sarah Palin and Michelle Bachmann, I draw the line at Anne Coulter. Rampant lunacy probably isn't a sexually transmittable disease, but why risk it?
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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