For example; did you know that there are petrified trees standing straight up in the layers of the Grand Cannon? That means that the tree which is doing so must have existed for millions of years, because it is standing in and through millions of years of layers of earth. Of course another possibility is that it died standing up and was buried quickly in those layers as they settled out after a great flood. Oh, but that would mean those layers are not really millions of years old. Hum...
Christianity can stand up to logical thinking. Can evolution? You have to decide for yourself.
For example; did you know that there are petrified trees standing straight up in the layers of the Grand Cannon? (sic)
Yes, they're buried in consolidated volcanic ash. Next please.
Quick search, petrified trees of Grand Canyon. Trees which once grew to maturity then submersed by ancient floodwaters AND UNDERWATER FOR CENTURIES before erosion opened up more of the canyon and drained waters away.
Not standing in layers, fallen over totally mineral infused wood from BEING IMMERSED FOR A LONG TIME THEN EXPOSED AND DRIED OUT.
As usual with these clowns their "advisors" or "researchers" are omitting major factors of the know processes to shoehorn their world flood fable in. A high lake (I live in Owens Sound, among the great lakes, we're 590feet above sea level. Denver Colorado is a mile above sea level.) Forests being buried from higher water sources and taking centuries to drain off isn't rare. Petrified trees are found in numerous locations around the world and NOT OF THE SAME TIME PERIODS.
We have dozens of forests buried in water from damn projects in North America, the trees are petrifying in the mineral rich ones right now and are nearly fully petrified in older ones.
Ralph: "Did you know that there are petrified trees standing straight up in the layers of the Grand Cannon?"
Not Ralph: "That's Grand *Canyon*!"
Ralph (irritated): "I *said* Grand Cannon, didn't I?"
"Christianity can stand up to logical thinking."
SURE it can....assuming your "logical thinking" consists of "Goddidit", "Because my ancient book said so", and "Anything that says differently is wrong".
Oh look. Another fundie who's nearly 200 fucking years behind modern science.
++"Christianity can stand up to logical thinking."
And a person can stand up to a machine gun. The doesn't mean they'll win . Much like the gun will do to the person, logical thinking will poke about four or five hundreds holes in Christianity within in mere minutes.
For example; did you know that there are petrified trees standing straight up in the layers of the Grand Cannon?
Why would there be petrified trees inside a cannon? Couldn't they fit any inside guns and bombs?
Oh, here's another question: Did you know there's petrified rock that used to be a brain inside your head?
Anyone else read this quote in the Ralph Wiggum voice upon seeing the OP's handle?
"Oh boy! Christianity! That's where I'm a Viking!"
Oh and this is utter bunk, BTW. Geology fail, Ralph.
Kid Cthulhu has spoken.
A quick search on this shows that the trees that are upright are all in one layer, that happens to be composed of compacted volcanic ash. This layer would be the result of a volcanic eruption burying a forest and then over many many years being compacted as new soil is deposited over it.
Later the course of the Colorado river started its slow carving of the Grand Canyon (not cannon you imbecile), which eventually started to cut through the ash layer exposing the trees.
Also, Christianity standing up to logical thinking? Go stick a ribbon-ed stick up your ass, maybe it'll get spots.
Finally, how is geology evolution? Evolution, while a topic explored over long time periods, has very little to do with volcanoes and canyon formations. Apart from the topic of habit of course.
@Reptilian Jew Et. Al.
Ah the tank silencer, the most erotic piece of military hardware. As for battlefield conditions, it really isn't for battlefields, just for keeping noise down around the base during live fire exercises (not every nation has huge tracts of land for tank training schools).
For example; did you know that there are petrified trees standing straight up in the layers of the Grand Cannon? That means that the tree which is doing so must have existed for millions of years, because it is standing in and through millions of years of layers of earth. Of course another possibility is that it died standing up and was buried quickly in those layers as they settled out after a great flood. Oh, but that would mean those layers are not really millions of years old. Hum...
Nothing here makes mention of Christ or the changing of species over time in any way shape or form. your argument on one being logical and the other not is entirely unfounded.
Hmmm, if only there were a way for us to measure the age of these rocks, and the Earth as a whole. Oh wait, there is! And it says the Earth is ~4.5 billion years old.
Now, can you provide evidence against biological evolution and not against things like age of the Earth which has nothing to do with it?
Christianity can stand up to logical thinking.
As long as the logic consists of "the bible says it, and I believe it."
So let me get this straight, even if all of this bullshit were true (which it isn't) you find that to be proof of god. Not only god, but your particular god. Nice sense of reasoning you have there, bub.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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