Ralph #fundie behindthebadge.net
Have you ever wondered how the Bible can claim that people lived to be 900 years old before the flood? With radiation, etc...that would be impossible right? There the Bible goes again making claims that can't possibly be true in the physical world. Okay, but what if there was water filtering out the radiation and making the whole earth a greenhouse? Hum, that would even explain why they find frozen animals in the artic with green vegetation in their stomachs undigested.
But what does the Bible have to say?
(Genesis 1:6-8 NIV) [6] And God said, "Let there be an expanse between the waters to separate water from water." [7] So God made the expanse and separated the water under the expanse from the water above it. And it was so. [8] God called the expanse "sky." And there was evening, and there was morning-the second day.
There was water above the sky and below the sky! Now the water above the sky would have had to been in space, which is of course cold, so it would have been an ice layer over the whole earth. This would have filtered out radiation and it would have caused the whole earth to be a greenhouse. Not only that but it would have made the atmospheric pressure the same as a hyperbaric chamber. So what you say? Well it would explain how people lived to be so old. You do realize that sever injuries are treated by placing people in hyperbaric chambers? Here is something else to think about. Do you know when a reptile quits growing? When it dies. So now imagine, not a 30 year old alligator but a 250 year old alligator, you can bet it would be as big as any dinosaur we can imagine. In those old movies when they want to show dinosaurs what do they do? They film the little guys but make them look big. Now imagine if those little guys grew for a couple hundred years. Hum...
But if the world was a greenhouse what happened? What would have caused the animals we have found in the poles to die so quickly that the green vegetation in their stomachs did not decay? How about a flood. In the account of the flood God says that He opened the windows of heaven. Could it be that is the ice covering the earth? If it broke and came crashing down the parts on the poles could stay cold enough to instantly freeze everything they came in contact with. The other parts would heat up as they came through the atmosphere, turning into rain and lots of it.
Now look again at your Bible. You ever wonder why God put all those begats in there? You know so and so begat so and so when he was 150 years old. Could it be proof of the story? Look at the ages people died and you will notice something amazing. Before the flood people lived to be 900+ years old, but after the flood the life span quickly declined. Hum, could it be solar radiation?
You keep believing that science disproves the Bible, but you do it at your own peril. The proof is right there but it takes a little study to see it. And yes it takes faith too. It takes faith to believe that the whole worlds population of animals all came from two of each species, but not as much faith as it does to believe they all came from a rock, water and a couple of billion years.
I have only scratched the surface. I don't have the time to go further, but if you are interested there are lots of good resources out there. I hope that you will investigate it for yourself. God created you and He loves you, but He won't force you to believe. He has however put everything before you that you need to find the truth.