[Now, I dont "believe in" god. If God appeared and spoke to me, I would believe him!]
Has a gatorduck, catdog, or apeman appeared and spoke to you? How about any direct lineage fossils, have they appeared?
Oh I see....
They're expecting our evidence to meet the crazy standards of their evidence. It's not good enough for the evidence just to exist, it has to walk on water, feed the 5000 and raise things from the dead too.
"Has a gatorduck, catdog, or apeman appeared and spoke to you?"
I've encountered an apeman before, certainly.
Fossils exist. At least we have something. And they do "speak to" those that know how to read them.
You still just have lame arguments like,,,oh ,,, Gatorduck!
Has a gatorduck, catdog, or apeman appeared and spoke to you?
No. Good point. They don't exist either.
[Now, I dont "believe in" god. If God appeared and spoke to me, I would believe him!]
"Has a gatorduck, catdog, or apeman appeared and spoke to you? How about any direct lineage fossils, have they appeared?"
Non-sequiturs for Jebus much, Free Indeed? He/She wasn't talking about meeting gatorducks, catdogs & apemen, but God appearing & speaking to him/her.
No, none of those weird apparitions have appeared and spoken to me. However, I have been visited by a Homo dribilicus who knocked my door and when I asnwered proceeded to mouth a succession of driveling inanities, as well, a lank-haired, staring-eyed, auto-twerp in the town, and a demented, mono-syllabic, morono-creature bent on flapping a piece of paper at me as I left the library. These strange animals are not typical of these parts so it was quite interesting to observe their odd behavior for a short time - a very short time.
All these I have seen. I believe they were all acting as some sort of a lure for a form of religious fundamentalist ideology. Well, at least that's what they themselves thought they were being. Nearly everyone else thought they were just being retarded dick-heads, quite similar to most of the original quoters on FSTDT.
Technically, we're all apes and humans, as humans are a subset of apes, so yes, apemen have spoken to me. We've also found transitional fossils. A lot of them.
Crocoducks don't exist and never have, and CatDog was a shitty TV show.
"Has a gatorduck, catdog, or apeman appeared and spoke to you?"
Well yeah, but I did have a high fever at the time.
How about a giant man with a long white beard who lives on clouds? Has he appeared to you?
And yes, we have the transitional fossils. We win.
Lion, Tiger, or Bear
What do those mythical creatures like a gatorduck, catdog, or apeman have to do with God? Oh right, they're all mythical creatures.
A gatorduck once spoke to me, but it made a rather peculiar quacking sound and I couldn't understand a thing. However, it appeared to be quite formidable, so I remained respectful.
I held a multi-million year old ammonite fossil once. You could see the sections of the shell. So yes, I have seen fossils.
Catdogs and gatorducks don't exist because evolution doesn't work that way.
Has an angel, demon, or God appeared and spoken to you? Gatorduck, catdog, and apeman can't exist, because those species together could not produce fertile, viable organisms. Yes, there are fossils.
FUCCCCCKKKK... if ANY of those appeared and talked to me... id be booked a one way ticket to the rubber motel. In the past.. people could say God spoke to them... then write it down and get away with it passing it off as truth and devine or a miracle... nowadays if you try to pull that shit youll be wearing a brand spankin new pretty tight fitting white jacket and eating small candy colored pills or sleepy-time injections in a little place we call an Insane Asylum.
So moot point because even if these things REALLY DID appear out of nowhere and talk to me... including GOD HIM/HER/ITSELF... you really think im going to fucking tell anyone? Or YOU? HELL NO! Ill keep it to myself and laugh all the way to the bank knowing I know the truth and will know that I can have faith in something everyone else can only speculate and wonder about. XD
@ tails kitsune
Atheists don't claim to have been created by mythical creatures like gatorducks or catdogs. There's one small difference right there.
Fossils wouldn't be fossils if they could speak, idiot, but at least they do exist by the ton.
Once more, fundie logic fail on a scale which boggles the mind.
“Has a gatorduck,”
Gatorducks would DISprove evolutionary theory, and were created to mock the theory, not support it.
So, no, DISproof of a scientific theory that i accept has NOT appeared to talk to me, so i still accept the science.
Again, an invention for mockery. No.
“apeman appeared and spoke to you?”
Uh, yes. Apemen talk to me almost daily. Taxonomy is scientific and defines us as apes. We ARE the planet of the apes.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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