You know, its because of evolution that we have Earth Day. I'm againat Earth Day. If you look at the purpose and reason behind Earth Day, its satanic. People want you to think that we're in some way obligated to cleaning up the earth.
No, people want you to think that we are in some responsible for our actions and cleaning up after ourselves. These views should not be foreign to christians. teens or otherwise.
And also, Earth Day is about as satanic as Groundhog Day.
It's the year 2079 and the Earth is a giant waste. There is toxic everywhere and the greater part of Asia is was blanketed by atom bombs. It's the time of Jesus' return.
It was a glorious day when angels decended from the sky heralding the end of times. Finally we would get a better place to live, peace and prosperity. All the prophecies were being fullfilled and at the end of the apocalyps Jesus came down himself. And these were his first words:
"Goddamnit people, do you really think I'll take you to heaven if you can't even be trusted to keep this little planet in one piece? Screw you guys. I'm outta here."
And then we were fucked.
So, God is like one of those rich parents who buys their kid a $50,000 sports car for their 16th birthday, the kid wrecks it in a week, and the dad happily replaces it with a $70,000 car?
And here I thought Christians accused atheists of rejecting personal responsibility.
That's right. You stupid fuckers want us all to believe your god created this beautiful world for us to enjoy and yet you expect him to keep the earth in some sort of goddamn self-cleaning mode and anyone who suggests you, perhaps, appreciate this planet must be not only a humanist, but satanic as well. Damn I hate people like Zach!
You know, if you'd said, "People want you to think that we should worship the earth above God," then I'd be slightly less worried, and you'd just be another fundie who's paranoid about anything that doesn't have to do with Jesus. But thinking we don't have to clean up after ourselves?
The scary thing is that this attitude is coming from an alleged teen-ager. I could understand this from a childless 70 year old who has no reason to give a fuck what happens to the earth after he's gone. But Zach's the one who's going to be left with the mess, while gaining virtually no personal benefit from opposing environmentalism. Talk about being out of touch with his own generation.
Zach, I care for this planet, as much for myself, my kids and their eventual kids, but also for everyone else who lives on it.
If you won't listen to reason and clean up after yourself, get the fuck off our planet.
Ok, it´s up to you. If you want you and your children to die from illnesses derived from the degradation of the environment, radiation or sudden changes of temperature, it´s up to you.
If we ruin our ecosystem beyond repair, human civilization will collapse, and I'm not looking forward to that. So in the interest of self-preservation, I'm more than willing to preserve our world.
I really just don't get these people.
I understand that they expect either to have a brand-new world or to have this one magically replenished one day. I get that. It's nuts, but I get that they believe it completely.
But how on Earth can it be a BAD thing, let alone "satanic," to take care of THIS world while we're still stuck in it?!?
If you own a house, you do necessary maintenance, you keep it clean, you mow the lawn, you give the house a fresh coat of paint every now and then, and so on. (At least, most reasonable people do; the rest get included in a Jeff Foxworthy joke.) I don't recall anyone claiming that June Cleaver was satanic for doing the vacuuming regularly.
Seriously, WHAT could possibly be bad, wrong, or (of all things) evil (satanic) about caring for the place where we all live? WHAT?!?
~David D.G.
Then why didn't God give us a self-cleaning earth, with grass that would eat the gum wrappers and soda cans that we throw on the ground? By the way, why didn't anyone tell me before that whenever I use a trash can or recycling bucket, I'm actually worshiping Satan?
Look, I get that you think you're leaving like, any minute now. But meanwhile, we all gotta live here. We can take care of the planet to at least some extent, or we can just hope Daddy's coming back to pick us up before we make the place uninhabitable.
Gladly there been two that has brought his up, something I believed in when I was still a christian not older than 12 years old, thus not even a teen...
Adam was to be master of paradise, and as such he would name creatures great and small, plants and all... He was to be a gardener to the world, taking care of the creation...
What screwed the bible certainly came after that, from Eve having to be "less than man" to everything else...
And now just 'cause this guy is so 'cking not wanting to take care for the Earth he, like your average fundy, wants everyone else to forsake it so no one reproaches him when he forsakes it... I just hope this guy falls in a vat of toxic waste just before some ecologist discovers that his corporation (seeing into the guy's future) was illegally dumping it's wastes somewhere in the wild for two or so by the time of the accident... And that the ecologist at hand discovers him too late.
AEG forbid you be expected to take care of what God made for you.
Apparently if it's too much work for the fundies it's an evil satanic ritual.
Fundicus (The long-lost book of the Bible) 1:01 : "And The LORD said unto them, "Anything that my people dislike is Satanic and evil. I serve the people, not the other way around."
yeah, as probably stated before. the bible CLEARLY states that humans were placed on earth as caretakers of the planet. To ensure it's beauty and keep it as perfect as it was at creation.
so not only is this guy a complete retard, he's not a proper christian aswell. Sucks to be him I guess
You (like most devout Christians) are obviously intellectually impaired. One, what the hell does evolution have to do with cleaning up the earth? And two you Christians always sprout garbage about people appreciating "god's' earth, so using your distorted logic wouldn’t god (if he existed which he doesn't) want you to make "his" earth a nicer place? You're just basing this on the fact that some pagans claim they are in touch with nature. You're an idiot go acquire a brain you loser! Atheism for the win!
People want you to think that we're in some way obligated to cleaning up the earth."
Only if breathing clean air and having clean, uncontaminated water to drink and give to livestock is important to you. Otherwise, knock yourself out.
Zach, if you accept that God created us and gave us dominion over the earth then you really should accept that you have a duty to looka fter your Master's creation. I don't believe God created us but I still believe that we should be cleaning up the Earth, it's the only one we've got.
let's put it into words you understand: CLEAN UP YOUR ROOM.
Not difficult is it to get the right idea.
Or put it another way: god made man STEWARDS of the world, not demolition men. So if you fuck up his place you're toast baby
So, Zach, what if your Gawd decides to rapture your ilk not during your lifetime, but in a few thousand years? Or are you so sure you're about to whisked off to heaven that you're fine with basically saying fuck you! to an unknown number of future generations? I wonder what they'll think of us then...
By the way, this is a member of a previous generation talking.
People want you to think that we're in some way obligated to cleaning up the earth
Oh yeah, and HOW THE FUCK does Earth Day connect to Evolution?
My cowoker tried this argument, saying the Earth would be disgarded so we should treat it as simply an object.
This is the same woman who said she wouldn't be a true Christian is she just accepted that I'm a Buddhist.
The more Christians I meat, the more I dislike Christianity.
I'll take Pastafarianism over it any day!
For the life of me, I can't comprehend this attitude. Its one thing it you're too lazy and apathetic to want to clean up the planet, at least admit it. But why is it seen as evil to want to? I just don't get it
That's OK scooter, the Earth will clean your sorry ass up. It's called extinction, dimwit, you're next.
Wait, if we fucked it up, aren't we obligated to clean it up? That's how I was raised, anyway. You make a big mess, you clean it up.
Why are fundies anti-environment? I think its a combination of a few factors. American fundies tend to be Republican. The GOP is in the pockets of corporations that make big profits while raping the environment. Some fundies see respecting the Earth as Earth worship or at the very least, environmentalism is something that distracts someone from constantly worshiping Duh LORDuh. Environmentalism is seen as a Democratic cause. It was Al Gore who made "An Inconvenient Truth". Anything a "Demoncrat" believes in is automatically evil. Just look at the conservative backlash Michelle Obama is getting just because she started a water drinking campaign. An African-American Democrat woman wants people to drink more water, so therefore its evil. Some goddless liberal hippy wants me to recycle? Fuck that! I follow Gawd!
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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