Patrick Scrivener #fundie

The great cover-up began with the ecumenical movement in 1962

The great cover-up began with Winston Churchill and Vatican Council II. Prior to that time, Latin Church women were required to wear a "chapel veil" when they were in the presence of supersubstantial bread or "Jesus" on the altar.

The discarding of the veil led to "women's liberation," the sexual revolution, role-reversals, abortion, women ruling over men etc.,etc.

Up to the 1960's, it was unheard of for Latin Church women to uncover their heads in church.

That custom was due to the presence of supersubstantial bread or "Jesus" on the altar.

Latin Church women always covered their heads in church, as can be seen by the example of Jackie Kennedy, wife of the President. Prior to that time, Protestant Christian women always covered their heads when they prayed or went to church.

President Kennedy rarely wore a hat because hats look ugly on men, and our Great Creator did not design male heads to wear hats.

On the other hand, millions of women admired Jackie's pillbox hat.

Jackie never appeared in public without a hat, and she was a trend setter for women's fashion around the world.

Maybe that was one of the reasons why President Kennedy was assassinated!! His wife certainly boosted the sale of women's hats in this country . . . and around the world.

Women's "liberation," role reversals, women ruling over men, and disgracing their heads etc., etc., always leads to disaster in the end. Here is what Saint Paul advised the younger women to do:

I will, therefore, that the younger should marry, bear children, be mistresses of families, give no occasion to the adversary to speak evil (I Timothy 5:14).

The brave pioneer women didn't insist on the right to vote before they expanded the Tabernacle of David to the Pacific Ocean. These liberated, intelligent women also understood that the army that has the most soldiers left at the end of the battle is the WINNER.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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