Willo #fundie rr-bb.com

There is a graveyard near where I live and every time I drive past at night, there appears to be a hooded man standing in and around the graves.

<p>I have stopped and got out and looked, but as soon as I do the hooded man is gone. This occurs everytime I drive past, at different places in the yard, each time I stop, get out look around don't see anything, yell "JESUS IS LORD!" get back in the car turn up the praise and worship and drive home.

<p>As for things on my bed, I had a demon that looked like a snake sit on my bed and hiss at me, that was freaky as I am scared stiff of snakes, I remember calling out "Jesus help!" and the snake hissed and disappeared.

<p>About 1 month after that I woke up, feeling a evil presence in the room, I sat up looked around and saw a figure of a man standing near the door. Mate do those demons move quick when you call on the King of Kings, I spoke to the demon and said "In the name of Jesus Christ I command you to get out and never come back" I am positive a look of fear crossed the demon's face when he heard the name of Jesus.

<p>At the moment my family and myself are under spiritual attack, as I was apart of a team that confronted a possessed man at church. He came up to me and said the 'spirit' inside of him doesn't like me.

<p>But my Bible sets the standard, my Lord and Saviour kicked the devils butt 2000 years ago on the cross.

<p>JESUS RULES!! the devil is DEFEATED!



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