A couple of you stated that you have seen the looks on others faces and know that it is a dieing world...what I have notice lately is dieing America. (Is that selfish to think of where America is versus the world?) I find myself increasingly heartbroken over the loss of my country. America was so good. And I feel so honored to have been chosen to live my life here. Yet, the past two weeks as I attended my youngest neice's band concert and my oldest neice graduation...I cried. I cried for our way of live that seems to be slipping away. The loss of the America I grew up with, the values, our stregthen, our faith and our goodness is fading away and something else is taking that place. I know that America has never been perfect but what an honor and gift to have lived my life in this amazing place. It breaks my heart to see the way we are changing, the less proud we are of our country as a whole, the less we stand for our Christain heritage...the more the tarnish emerges. So sad. My sister kept looking at me..."are you crying again???" Yepper! All I could think about is how long before, we can't stand and say the Pledge or sing the National Athem...or those millions of other little traditions that make up the fabric of our American lives?
Blah blah, depression, blah blah, things changing, blah blah...
"All I could think about is how long before, we can't stand and say the Pledge or sing the National Athem...or those millions of other little traditions that make up the fabric of our American lives?"
Ah, just had to get to the old persecution complex didn't we?
Well, i live in France, and last october i drove from montreal to boston, and back again, up through maine and across to burlington, vermont, and i thought what i saw of the US was fantastic! Quit bitching.
"The loss of the America I grew up with, the values, our stregthen, our faith and our goodness is fading away and something else is taking that place. "
Yeah, those civil rights laws have made a shambles of traditional racist christian values. Soon the bedsheet-wearing and cross burning that used to unite Christian American people will be no more. Every time I think of this I cry for the end of Western civilisation.
It's called menopause.
You cry for no reason, you feel like something's wrong, but you don't know what.
Things seem sadder and more depressing.
Get some natural progesterone (and maybe some vodka), and everything will be okay.
Yeah bitch, I'm sure the friggin' national anthem will be outlawed anytime now. So what brought on this little crying jag? Did the band play a song that wasn't a Christian hymn? Were some of the girls offending your delicate sensibilities by wearing dresses that showed a little bit of ankle? Sounds like you're upset because your nieces were getting too much attention, so you just had to have a crying fit so you could make it all about you. Attention whore. Why bother going anywhere at all if you can't get through a graduation ceremony without blubbering and ruining everyone's night. Go to a doctor and get some help for your craziness. And stop being such a pussy.
A. There are some great medicines that treat depression VERY effectively.
B. I sing the Star Spangled Banner at every sporting event I go to...WITH EVERYONE ELSE IN THE ARENA. They even fucking sing it at Pro Wrestling, for Kahless' Sake!
A country is a country is a country- no country is better or worse than the others.
Sure, I'm glad to be an American...kind of...but I'd be happier as a Canadian. "American Idiots" indeed.
(I like my word salads more.)
"The Pledge of Allegience and the National Anthem are not part of Christianity."
Objectively, not, but to them, all of the things that they like blur together, from what they think Christianity is to what they think America's shared values are. Heck, I've heard people even bring NASCAR into it.
"Things were so perfect when I was a child and could rely on my parents to do the hard things and shield me from anything upsetting. Now that I'm an adult I can't deal with reality, so I spend my time hoping that another Big Daddy will relieve me of responsibility again. It beats growing up and learning to live."
Crying uncontrollably is a symptom of Depression
In Fact,
The main symptom of depression is a sad, despairing mood that:
* is present most days and lasts most of the day
* lasts for more than two weeks
* impairs the person's performance at work, at school or in social relationships.
Other symptoms of depression may include:
* changes in appetite and weight
* sleep problems
* loss of interest in work, hobbies, people or sex
* withdrawal from family members and friends
* feeling useless, hopeless, excessively guilty, pessimistic or low self-esteem
* agitation or feeling slowed down
* irritability
* fatigue
* trouble concentrating, remembering and making decisions
* crying easily, or feeling like crying but being not able to
* thoughts of suicide (which should always be taken seriously)
* a loss of touch with reality, hearing voices (hallucinations) or having strange ideas (delusions).
Then get out of my country! Yeah, we've got tons of problems, but NONE of them include persecution of Christians.
Also, no one is going to ban the Pledge of Allegiance or the national anthem. And if they do, they're going to have to deal with millions of angry Americans, some of whom will be non-Christian.
People have been saying stuff like this since the beginning of civilization. In the 1870's it was the Southerners complaining about the end of the great slave-supported plantations. In the 1890's it was the machine replacing all the old great skilled trades with factories. In the 20's it was women smoking and voting and all those damn Italians coming over here and "changing our culture". In the 60's it was hippies and women going out to work and the pill letting them have sex without "paying" for it.
Everybody wants the world to stay the way it was when they were young and cool and the opposite sex still checked them out at the beach. Some just whine about it more.
BTW, the Pledge of Allegiance is a 20th century development, with "under God" not added until the 1950's. The Star Spangled Banner didn't become the national anthem until the 1930's. These things aren't as old as many people think.
Rapture Ready is a fascinating site for me. So many people who have deluded themselves into believing something that isn't even supported by the Bible, and are so desperate to escape their lives they spend their time predicting when the world is ending.
The funny thing is, there is something in the Bible that speaks to this, and it's along the lines of "don't hold your breath."
*Everybody wants the world to stay the way it was when they were young and cool and the opposite sex still checked them out at the beach. Some just whine about it more.*
Well, technically i am waiting for the future with flying cars, but that is just the way I am...
And...I DON'T CRY ABOUT IT (much).
Given the freedoms and pride that are inherent to the citizens of this country, you're off your rocker if you think you wouldn't be able to say the pledge or stand for the national anthem. There is pride in this country like no other; where do you even come up with this shit?
You people are so screwed up. Your god won't reward you any greater for suffering persecution; and you certainly can't make persecution happen by pretending.
Get a life. See a counselor. And get over yourself already.
There was actually an American history before your militaristic, Cold War hysterics, Hope. It had nothing to do with your precious religious litmus tests, flag worship, xenophobia, and nuclear paranoia. A few generations of us since then would like to get past all that finally. Thanks.
Feel free to steal this one:
Has this ever occurred to these fundy freaks?
How ironic is it they can bitch about being persecuted in churches, public squares, schools (I can't help but wonder how many public school teachers, in all subjects, teach their students that Christians are being persecuted.), hospitals, courts, the military, Congress, T.V, movies, airports, parks, subways, door to door, in other countries, sidewalks, businesses, radio and the intertubes?
And they do this without repercussions beyond being ignored or told to STFU until they start making sense.
Are they that stupid? Diabolically clever? Or both?
@The Lazy One
Then get out of my country! Yeah, we've got tons of problems, but NONE of them include persecution of Christians.
Yep, it seems to be rather the other way round, as one of the real existing problems of your country seems to be harassment by Christians (thinking of the activities of the Westboro Baptist Church as an example)
My son (well, one of them) is graduating this spring, and I'll probably cry at the graduation--but only because I am so proud of the man he has grown to be (and maybe a little bit because I miss the little boy he was).
It's "dying" you illiterate fool.
Does the world still look dying, four years later? I bet you can still say the Pledge and sing the National Anthem. What you can't do is treat gays and black like second-class citizens any more.
The reason the America you grew up in is slipping away, is because you are maturing, growing up, and your brain sees things differently now, than it did when you were a child; it wasn't fully developed then.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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