"because as humans we should know that our life on this world is transitory"
Then kill yourself, pls.
"now as far as the gay marriage thing goes, i think everyone knows it is WRONG."
Yes, basic civil rights are completely wrong. Much like how interracial marriage was wrong just a few decades ago. Cunt.
"it doesn't make sense. gay couples cannot have children. they cannot keep the human race going. the fact that gay marriage is legal now really isn't going to affect us..it's gonna affect our children."
It doesn't make sense. Infertile couples and elderly couples cannot have children. They cannot keep the human race going. The fact that infertile marriage and elderly marriage is legal now really isn't going to affect us..it's gonna affect our children. Not to mention couples that want to get married but don't want kids, you fucking douche.
"because now they will grow up thinking this is right. and it's not."
Yes, and God-forbid children grow up thinking it's okay for a black man and a white woman to date as well, right?
"basically it's just gonna make our job raising our kids tougher. we're gonna have to explain to them why being homosexual is not right."
Yes, interracial couples are just going to make our job of raising asshole, bigot children tougher. We're gonna have to explain to them why being in an interracial marriage or being bi-racial is not right. Asshole.
"1. as i mentioned before they cant have kids (without the help of science) i think that's a pretty big sign that they weren't meant to be same sex couples."
As I mentioned before, infertile and elderly couples cannot have kids (without the help of science.) I think that's a pretty big sign they weren't meant to be infertile or elderly couples.
"2. for all christians, they should read them the story of Sodom and Gomora. the two cities which are now at the bottom of the Dead Sea. the reason why God destroyed them was because they were homosexuals.""
We do not live in theocracy and I could give 2 shakes of a little lamb's fat ass about your religion, cunt. Also, Sodom and Gomorrah were not destroyed just because some people were gay, you tard muffin. Ezekiel 16:49-50 'Now this was the sin of your sister Sodom: She and her daughters were arrogant, overfed and unconcerned; they did not help the poor and needy. 50 They were haughty and did detestable things before me. Therefore I did away with them as you have seen.
Yahweh doesn't seem to concerned about saying "FOR FUCKING THE SAME SEX", now does he? Douche.
"3.God said that He will send a disease to these people which will be incurable = AIDS,"
#1 You're a fucking asshole and I hope someone shoves a bamboo stick up your pee hole, cunt.
#2 I hope you die.
#3 Eat shit and die
#4 Straight people get AIDS, too.
#5 Die, you heartless bitch, die.
"now for those of you who are gay i'm sure you have plenty of retorts that are you're just itching to get out."
"but stop and think about it. YOU know it's not right. if it makes you feel better about yourself by justifying it on a public forum then go for it."
Yes, I know it's not right..according to a fantasy book. However, according to reality and nature, there isn't anything wrong with it, ho bag. YOU know it's not right based on your book of cosmic fairy tales and need to justify your position and probably mask the fact that you are in fact gay on public forums. Have fun, cum bucket.
"but keep in mind, you will be asked about it on the day of judgement."
Yeah, I hear those 72 virgins will be sweet.
"and it is written in all the Holy Books that it is wrong."
Sure it is. Not to mention, we all know you of all people have read all holy books, douche. Thankfully, we are where we are today thanks to science and technology and modern medicine, not a holy book. Well, except the shit you fundies will still do for your sky daddies.
"so do us all a favor and stop trying to make it a mainstream phenomenon where little kids are saying they are gay."
Yes, just like Obama is making it a mainstream phenomenon for black people to think they can be the president of the USA. Right. Oh, and please tell me if you woke up one day and said, "I'M STRAIGHT", and just..were straight. Don't worry, I'll wait. You sexy thing, you.
"fine you're gay. keep it to yourself. you dont need to be incorporating it into shows like Grey's Anatomy."
Fine, you're black. Keep it to yourself. You don't need to be incorporating it into commercials and schools and such during February and Martin Luther King, jr. day.
This is a free country and I will parade around as much as I fucking want to. The difference is I'm not interested in shoving anything down anyone's throat, much like you and your religion and the fat, immaculate cock of Jesus H. Camp.
Consider this a long pwn, BITCH TIT.