No, I haven't really read too much into evolution and from what I have (like in school, internet), I haven't seen anything from evolution that has convinced me to believe in it.
Apply. This. Goddamn. Unjustified. Skepticism. To. Anything. Outside. Evolution. Or. Shut. Up.
My kingdom for someone who is honest about the fact that they are willfully opposed to accepting evolution from the get-go and refuse to accept it, regardless of evidence given to them.
Intelligence, I think, is a requirement for understanding scientific theories. Mix in a good education and some rational thought.
Then, your skepticism would be justified.
I think this person has been reading the FSTDT archives... Isn't there one which says, 'There are a lot of things I have concluded to be wrong, without studying them in-depth. Evolution is one of them. The fact that I don't know that much about it does not bother me in the least.'?
I haven't read much about rabbit breeding, so I haven't seen anything about rabbits that has convinced me they breed.
Sticking your head in the sand, doesn't make it go away.
Then you haven't read much at all (likely) or you've already decided that no amount of evidence contrary to your preconceived notions will convince you (very likely!).
Either way, you're doing it wrong.
I read the bible a few times. I've been to catholic church's, baptist, UU, non-denominational, lutheran, jehovah's witness, and many others when you count weddings and baptisms and funerals, throughout my life. I've read the bible several times. I've read many, many other books on religion. I had a few theology classes in college, and several classes on religions and cultures of the world.
I am an expert at nothing; but I was exposed to more than enough to say I don't believe in god. I don't believe in religion. And, I continue to read and learn, from all perspectives.
You should try thinking and educating yourself before making a decision. You'd be amazed how fulfilling it is to know what you're talking about and to know exactly why you believe, or don't believe, something.
Do you need to be "convinced to believe in" the existence of atoms, gravity, or disease-causing organisms? Or do you accept these theories because they work? Evolution is just as solid and as factually based as they are.
~David D.G.
Weird. From what I heard, evolution is inevitable in a species that has only limited resources, has a variable genetic code, and reproduces sexually.
But I guess somehow you think God does this.
No, I haven't really read too much into the christian god and from what I have (like in church, internet), I haven't seen anything from the bible that has convinced me to believe in it.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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