i think you do not grasp biblical teaching and seek to charge God with things He did not do. Romans 5:12 tells us how death entered into the world via sin thus since God i snot sin He had nothing to do with it. Then you misunderstand the words in Genesis 1 'God saw all that He had made and it was good.' Obviously He did not reate disease, sin, or death.
disease organisms did not evolve but came as a result of the corruption that entered the world at Adam's sin. Ridley did an excellent job in pointing out the little bits of corruptiuon that affect the genetic code in his book Genome. He, of course, attributes that corruption's existence to the wrong source, just like you did, but he documents it quite well so that we can see what took place back in the Garden of Eden.
Let me illustrate: you build a wood table, you kep it inside from harms way and after a bit of time termites were allowed in. Did you create the termites to attack your table? Did you open the door to let them in? Would you like to be falsely accused of doing it even though it was your table and you thought it was good?
Think about it.
Just another dumb-phuck fundie who has never actually read a bible.
Isaiah 45:7 I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the LORD do all these things.
"It's all the fault of sin" is a terrible excuse. Even if you accept that Adam was the direct cause of the whole thing when he ate the fruit, since God designed an entire system of geology, genetics etc. that could be ruined by one guy eating an apple it's safe to say God screwed up somewhere. I mean, if you overload a washing machine and it explodes destroying half of the city, while you may have been the ultimate cause of the explosion, the manufacturer shouldn't have made something that could explode so easily with such devastating consequences in the first place.
Oh, but if I build a wooden table, I can do things to protect it from the termites. If I fail to do so, then I have little to complain about if my table should get eaten up.
Oh, not this fucking charlatan again! Dave 'not-a-real-doctor' Tee seems to be trying to emulate Kent 'I'm-not-one-either' Hovind in dishonesty, but out do him in stupidity.
If disease organisms (or pathogens as real doctors call them) didn't evolve, perhaps you could enlighten us miserable sinners as to how MRSA came about?
Let's see:
- God created the Garden of Eden and placed the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil at the center.
- He created the human beings with no concept of good or evil, or even what death was.
- We told them not to eat the fruit of the tree, even though they couldn't possibly understand the consequences.
- He failed to put a fence or a guard up to protect the tree (like the Angel he put up to guard the Tree of Life AFTER they had already eaten from this one.)
- He placed a serpent in the Garden knowing full well that it would try to tempt the two humans who had no concept of good or evil.
In short, God is a trial lawyer's dream. He's so guilty of negligence it's not even funny. If God was in the building trade, he would build a preschool with a lava pit in the center, fail to install a guard rail around it, and then hang up yummy candy over the pit just out of reach. His only defense at the capital murder trial would be "Hey, I TOLD those kids not to jump in the lava. It's not MY fault. They had free will."
I did think about it, and this is what I came up with.
You are saying little bits of corruption are mutations. It's something that's always harmful like termites destroying a table.
How do you explain then the occasional "bit of corruption" that actually favors survival? Those individuals that have it pass it along to their offspring, and it eventually becomes common in the population thereby enhancing the survival of the species.
Sounds like plain ol' evolution to me, which has tons of evidence supporting it. Sin however, has none.
Your doctoral degree is from a diploma mill, amirite?
How convenient. And I bet if you beat your kids, disobedience broke their jaw, not your fists?
Man creates God in his image, and this image is the one of a man who doesn't want to own up to his actions
Then who created them you retard? Was there an evil God creating bad stuff?
By the way, then please explain Isaiah 45:7.
I am the Lord, and there is no other.
I form the light and create darkness,
I bring prosperity and create disaster;
I, the Lord, do all these things.
"disease organisms did not evolve but came as a result of the corruption that entered the world at Adam's sin. "
Dear Ceiling Cat, what fucking century is this?
A "doctor" who can't spell. Ugh. Also, the problem is that God is either a shitty keeper or just doesn't care about us if he lets all that get into our world (although, as previously mentioned, God is just a huge dick and put the bad stuff in the world himself, Bible says so). Either way, it's stupid, and dumb. And stupid.
You claim to be a doctor, but you don't even read through your text before posting it?
If God didn't want the fruit to be eaten, why did he create it in the first place?
"Let me illustrate: you build a wood table, you kep it inside from harms way and after a bit of time termites were allowed in. Did you create the termites to attack your table? Did you open the door to let them in? Would you like to be falsely accused of doing it even though it was your table and you thought it was good?"
Ah! Dr. Stupid! You again? Okay! Well, have you ever considered that termites are just simple wild critters that'll eat any kind of wood? That's what they eat, wood. No evil involved. Just creature eating what nature ordained. Lions eat meat. Antelopes eat plants. Humans eat pretty much anything that's plant or animal (and then some). When termites eat wood, they are innocents with no malice...just a bunch of bugs gobbling up their natural diet.
"...God i snot sin..."
Dr. Stupid just LOVES them nose goblins! Just ask his pal, Ren the Chihuahua!
What a weirdo.
"disease organisms did not evolve but came as a result of the corruption that entered the world at Adam's sin"
So you believe in spontaneous generation, in life coming from non-life? That's interesting.
I see, omnipotence is off the table.
Until it's back on, with people like Dr. David Tee it's always an absolute conclusion until the next paragraph.
So, Mr. Tee, I guess God isn't all-powerful after all, since he can't wipe out diseases or keep them out of his perfect creation? Or, if he allows them to enter the world as consequence of sin, then he's just as guilty as if he created them himself.
pathetic thinking for a PhD really.
If God himself did not create evil, disease, termites , sin etc then who did ? Everything that was created was created by God. If you claim something else had the power of creation then it is God as well and maybe we should worship it instead.
Adam sin was simply dosobeying God. God determined what affect it had on his creation and it seems from what the Bible said that God had a hissy fit and smashed everything.
So, God, in this guy's schema, is not all-powerful or omniscient, nor has he created everything. He's a sort of demiurge, in thrall to other forces like a helpless owner of a table covered in termites. Think about it.
@Grogs: Amazing comment.
I'm kind of thinking the analogy is flawed. It's established in the Bible that God created everything. The idea to commit that first sin was put into Eve's head by Satan. Satan was directly created by God.
Going with the table/termite analogy, you would not only have built the table but you also would have created the termites' nest.
I'm sorry, Mr T, you have failed in logic. Please turn in your brain at the nearest department of theology so that it might be properly disposed of.
"Let me illustrate: you build a wood table, you kep it inside from harms way and after a bit of time termites were allowed in. Did you create the termites to attack your table? Did you open the door to let them in? Would you like to be falsely accused of doing it even though it was your table and you thought it was good?"
Well, to have an accurate analogy... yes, you did create the termites. You also created the door, hung a sign on it saying "most fabulous thing in the world in here... do not enter!" and you completely forgot/ignored/failed utterly to think about that curiosity thing you ALSO created.
In that case, yes... you would be to blame for the termites eating your table.
"Think about it"
I did... why didn't you?
Obviously He did not (c)reate disease, sin, or death.
So what are you saying? There was second creator who made disease, sin and death? Where in the Bible do you get that?
"since God i snot sin"
(*Picks nose; extracts particularly magnificent 'Greenie' greb. Flicks snotball at fundie *) So God is the Bogey man! (*affects outrageous accent *): 'Go and boil your bottom, son of a silly person! I blow my nose at you, "Piss Doctor"; you and your so-called Korean ffffffuuuuu...ndies! (*blows powerhouse raspberry *)' [/"Monty Python and the Holy Grail"] X3
"He did not reate disease, sin, or death"
...out of 10? Personally, I'd give God a '-1/10; see me after class'. [/smartarse]
But the claim is always that God is omnipotent and omniscient, hence why we should all worship him. If he is those things, then he is responsible for everything that happens in the universe. Even accepting the bizarre premise that sin and death could be created without his direct input, being omniscient, he would have known that would happen and could have prevented it. If I'm in the woods and see a fire that's been abandoned but is still lit and not properly contained, and that fire goes on to start a huge forest fire, I'm still partially responsible since I had the opportunity to prevent it but did nothing. And, in that case, no one's making the argument that I created the fire and the forest in the first place. I'm super-culpable if I made the fire and did nothing to prevent it from burning the forest.
Bad analogy, dude. A better one would be this:
You throw a party and tell one of your friends to sneak cyanide in the drinks. Then, as people start to get sick, you announce that you have the antidote, and the only way you'll give it to them, is if they lick your feet (or some other stupid thing).
Meaning: You didn't do it directly, but you created the situation, and are therefore just as responsible as the person who poisoned the drinks. And you are a douche for demanding people to stroke your ego to be 'cured' of the sickness YOU caused.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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