Ted Baehr and Tom Snyder #fundie charismanews.com
By removing God, the Bible, God's Law, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit from society, including the mass media and the schools, we are raising generations of people with no faith in God or Jesus and, hence, no moral conscience, and no self-control. If so many people have no faith, no moral conscience and no self-control, then it’s no wonder our society is suffering from all these mass murders by evil lone gunmen.
For some reason, the word “evil” has become a pariah in modern discourse. If you remove God, the Bible, God’s Law, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit, then doesn’t the notion of good and evil become meaningless?
As Paul points out in Romans 2:29, people become good and do the right thing only when their hearts, or their conscience or inner souls, are at least partly sanctified, cleansed, redeemed, and transformed by the power of the Holy Spirit.
Thus, how can people choose good over evil without a divine sense of faith and values from God, through either Jesus Christ or the Holy Spirit?
Because we’ve been removing, in one way or another, God and the Bible from our society, mass media and schools, we’ve been creating mean killers with no conscience. Without God or the Bible, Satan is allowed to roam freely and the sinful nature of man begins to infect humanity and all its works. Thus, the souls of these killers have become infected with envy, narcissism, a growing anger, hatred, a sense of entitlement and victimhood, and many other evil, sinful lusts. As a result, these killers become people who have no moral conscience and no moral compass – or at least a severely damaged one.