I'm all for the Geneva Convention, or the modern-day equivalents.
WWII. The ordinary Wehrmacht & Waffen SS. Just ask my uncle who was amongst the Allied troops who liberated Bergen-Belsen. Some of his comrades beat the shit out of the SS still left there, after what they saw.
Boko Haram. Should the SAS be sent in to deal with them - and to #[URL=https://www.facebook.com/bringbackourgirls]BringBackOurGirls[/URL] - just give me one good fucking reason why said SAS shouldn't do what they fucking well like with you, once they capture you slimebags...?
There's no way anyone could possibly be worse than you. We don't kidnap innocent girls. We don't do what the Lord's Resistance Army did. We're human beings. Humans don't so much as think the way you do, Boko Haram. Certainly we in the UK. Just ask the Muslim Malala Yousufzai here.
'Cowards take hostages. Klingons do not.'
Worf (Michael Dorn), "Star Trek: The Next Generation"
@Doubting Thomas
As per the aforementioned Lord's Resistance Army:
Ideology: Christian Fundamentalism
Because I'm suuuuuure you'd agree there's light-years of difference between the two, eh Troll4Life?! As Boko Haram - and therefore ALL Muslims, your words verbatim - are Evil, but the LRA are Christain Fundamentalists, full of the 'God of Unconditional Love's mercy, they don't do what is essentially the same as Boko Haram, and therefore they - along with ALL right-wing Fundamentalist Christains such as you dearie, with No Exceptions - aren't Evil, natch. [/hyper-sarcasm]
http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/religion/10781259/Attorney-General-Rise-of-fundamentalism-is-damaging-Christianity.html (emphasis added):
'He said that 1,500 years of Christian values are “not going to disappear overnight” and said that many people remain believers even if they choose not to go to Church*.
However, he warned people are being discouraged from openly declaring their beliefs because of the “deep intolerance” of religious extremists of all faiths, including Islam and Christianity.'
And that from the Conservative Party's - and devout Christian - Attorney-General Dominic Grieve. I refer you to the words under the photo of him in that article:
'Dominic Grieve has warned that fundamentalism is turning people away from religion'
Prior to #BringBackOurGirls, Nigeria effectively had a culture of kidnapping & human trafficking. That country is a mainly Christian-governed one. Nothing was done to eliminate that culture, even from people's minds.
Moral: Fundamentalist religion - both Muslim & Christian - is Evil. I refer you to Dominic Grieve's own words, o Troll4Life; he, like yours truly, speaking from the very secular UK.
Atheism is growing in the West. Ratzy the Nazi's whining about Secularism's growth in Europe. The LRA & Boko Haram. You do the maths, Christain fundies.