Obama won with government plantation slaves, illegal aliens, females wanting to kill their unborn, and idiots under 30. Lord help us!!!!
Funny, I am none of those, being a white mid-40s, straight, middle-class, 20 year veteran, US born citizen who voted for Obama.
Or, as the rest of the world calls them, 'people who didn't want to see a bunch of bible-obsessed, homophobic, misogynist, self serving, dim-witted lunatics, dragging America into the 14th century'.
plantation slaves
Oh goody, another racist, or should I say typical Republican?
Black vote 96%
Women 55%
Youth vote 60%
Please cry some more.
P.S. Illegals can't vote, so fail.
These people are simply not able to understand that there could be white, mature Americans that did vote for Obama, are they?
Even Bill O’Reilly said as much.
These butthurt idiots just can't get over the fact that a majority of people in the country (including white, hardworking American citizens) didn't like their guy Romney, can they? During the election coverage it was mentioned that the exit polls in Nevada showed that a majority of voters there thought that Romney's economic plan would favor the rich. Maybe that has a lot to do with why he lost.
idiots under 30
Yeah, this really scares you, doesn't it? The youth of America are turning more and more liberal, so your ultra-conservative teabagger beliefs are fading, especially once those old teabaggers start dying off. Soon there won't be enough of you to vote against gay marriage and it will become a reality across the nation.
I'm 41 and I'm glad to see the younger generations with more liberal beliefs. Gives me hope for the future.
My 2 cents as a non-American:
OK, so you had two candidates.
The first one is member of a mainstream Christian denomination, comes from a moderately middle class background, has had quite a good college and career record, has a happy marriage and the statistically normal two children and one dog. He is the current president and even though he did not achieve everything he promised in his first term, things could have been much worse. He did a decent campaign without any major flunks. He promised to spread the tax burden more fairly to the richer parts of your society. He is also quite charismatic and a good orator and he handled the aftermath of hurricane Sandy that well that even Republicans were praising him for it.
The other one is member of a religion that many regard as a cult, comes from a rich family, has worked in the private sector, where he outsourced American jobs and terminated American companies. Owns high-bred horses and a car elevator in one of his houses. Strapped a dog onto the roof of his car once. At the end of his time as governor of Massachusetts his approval rate was at the bottom. His campaign was a mess of flip-flopping around and promising stuff without saying how he wants to finance these promises. He was caught on video insulting almost half of the voters. Immediately before Sandy hit he was going on record saying he would close FEMA, only to flip-flop again after the people saw why FEMA is needed.
The really question is why Obama did not receive more votes
Obama won with government plantation slaves
Not even going to try to disguise your racism?
illegal aliens
Illegal aliens can't vote and there's no evidence that they vote in high enough numbers to influence elections. Mainly because committing a crime is the stupidest thing you could possibly do as an illegal alien. You'll get deported so fast your head will spin.
females wanting to kill their unborn
Very, VERY few women WANT to kill their unborn. Most have to do it for financial reasons (can't raise a child). Given that conservatives want to deny the woman and child any help whatsoever AND they want to deny comprehensive sex education and contraceptives to prevent unwanted pregnancies in the first place you don't leave her many options.
and idiots under 30.
Those "idiots" are the future of the country. Like it or not the future belongs to them, not you. And why 30? What, is there some secret brain upgrade you get on your 30th birthday? Some people are stupid all of their lives. Some are smart all of their lives. You don't magically become smarter just because the Sun rose a certain number of times in your life.
Let's see here...
Slavery is outlawed, illegal aliens by law can't vote, abortion is legal, and not everyone under 30 is idiots.
Here--let me check---56 years old, white, Southern(originally), 29+ years in the USAF, combined income of over $200,000, 4 productive kids in the workforce. Voted for Obama twice (no not in the same election).
Nope---wrong again.
"Obama won"
...because after the very last , certainly best , of what the right-wing was represented by - Dumbya - was kicked out in 2008, the GOP were reduced to dredging the fetid sewage pool for the last few dead bottom-feeders, and the only one that looked the least gangrenous & pustulent, that could be at least zombiefied was Mitt the Shit.
So no wonder then, that one of your own - Pat Buchanan - stated post-election that the GOP is effectively dead .
Romans 13:1-5, bitches. So indeed, Where is your God now?! >:D
I actually have good news for fundies no matter how you look at it:
Fundies prayed to god for the right candidate to win and god made it happen!
Or, Obama is the anti christ and his victory just confirms that the rapture comes soon!
I cannot find anything bad for fundies in either scenario!
How do illegal aliens get to vote, exactly? Ditto for slaves (if they still existed).
You are a fine one to be calling others idiots.
P.S. Sour grapes never tasted to sweet to me as when Republican supporters get thumped (again) on election day.
Uh, back when there were plantation slaves, they weren't allowed to vote. Come join us in the 21st century.
P.S. GWB was elected by plantation owners, robber-barons, Stepford wives and idiots over 30.
My late, 83 year old, white, college graduate, Southern mother voted for Obama in 2008, and told me she was so glad she lived long enough to see him win. She fell in love with Obama when he gave a speech at the 2004 DNC. She was a republican for the first half of her adult life, too. She was also a life-long Christian, of the old fashioned non-fanatic sort.
I'm a white, middle aged, Southern, college educated woman, too, though not religious. Obama won because he is calm, intelligent, humane and strong. So simple to understand. The whole flippin' world gets it....but not you, Firekrakka
Whine some more!! It's hilarious!
Whitest of the white, legal citizen, no abortions here & over 30 (barely) & voted blue. And I'd do it again too.
Better luck next time.
Let's see, four years ago you folks offered as candidates a corpse and a moron. This year you give us a snake oil salesman who is incapable of telling -- or even recognizing -- the truth, and an SS lieutenant. And on both occasions you have adopted hatred and suppression as parts of your party platform. And you honestly don't know how you lost?
Possibly he won because he doesn't disparage the groups of people you're talking about. And possibly because enough Americans aren't so stupid and prejudice.
I mean, really...? Government plantation slaves?
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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