Etienne, William Bobbitt & brandon delozier #fundie
Etienne: Yes if witty words were responsible for creating an objective universe then Hitchens would be god. But witty words and subtle phraseology is simply a mechanism satan uses to deceive the unscientific [evolutionists], irrational and gullible amongst us. Or should I rather say the God haters around us who would rather live for self than God, those who would rather choose sin than to surrender!
Hitchens, Hawking, Dawkins and the other 150 reviewers understands nothing about the nature of philosophy or reality. And how can this Christian make such a bold or objectively true statement? Because the atheist has no final authority in the universe concerning all matters of faith and practice, He can only borrow presuppositions from the Christian worldview to make his own irrational and satanic worldview seem more plausible. Thus every atheist is a thief as well.
Has any atheist refuted Dr Craigs moral argument for the existence of God. Dr William Lane Craig makes a spectacle out of atheism and atheists. Every atheist is also deep down inside a believer in God; he merely suppresses that objective fact in unrighteousness as God states in His Word, the King James Bible.
Presently every atheist is portable only because he can use the legs God gave him, he can only reason because God has given him a mind to reason with, but things will drastically change in the next life! There, in absolute blackness, he will be stationary, suffering the wrath of God for all of eternity. What a deal. And who said atheism doesn't have something positive to offer its religious followers!
William: Good luck when you stand before the God our father!
Your non belief however nicely spoken is wrong, wasted education. I believe you have already had your time before our God. I am sorry for those who do not believe !
brandon: Go to church. God is watching you. Buying this book is a direct path to Hell. Don't waste your time or money. Test the scientific evidence, pray to God and you will be saved.