Syed Hasnain Qadiri-Jilani #fundie

Dear brothers and sisters Aslamoalikum,

Are we made of clay ? what is ment by clay ... this is just one way that people could understand. If it was to tell us the names of all the elements that we were created by what names would the Holy Qur'aan have used when those elements were discovered long after and had not been even named.. for us clay is enough...

We should only accept the Holy Qur'aan and the Ahadeeth on this matter. Our knowledge is not enough to understand everything.

Science is not the the answer to understanding all subjects. History has shown the masters of science have been proven wrong in time.

We must increase our knowledge to be able to understand as to what is ment by those words in context of the subject in the surah.

The Torah has words that at that time applied to people so as to make it simple for them to understand. Had the Holy Qur'aan stated that the Earth was moving then there would have been many who would have not believed it as they would have been able prove just as Ahla Hazhrat (ra) that the Earth is at a stand still...

When the Holy Qur'aan talks about other things that cannot be proven by people to be incorrect, in time they become acceptable just as the verse which states that the male determins the gender of a child at the time of its conception. Until they became advanced in the science of genetics they did not accept the Qur'aan.

Likewise time will prove that the Holy Qur'aan is correct in saying that the Earth is stationary as you would say that the the Earth is still and everything around it moves.

Where does movement time and space originate from ? A person could be standing but still the blood inside him is moving ! The universe is in a constant motion even the sun is moving... But it behaves as though it is stationary...!

As one of the signs of Kiyamat would be that the Sun would come closer to the Earth...!

We accept all that is in the Holy Qur'aan even if we cannot understand it now due to lack of knowledge.



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