Iron Panda #conspiracy

If Obama is assasinated by Mossad, they are going to blame WNs for that
If WNs doesn't start now to campaign that Obama's security must be handled by non-Israelis to guarantee his safety, then it becomes easier to Jewish media and government to put blame on WNs when Mossad will do their dirty job. So all WNs should now start to demand that US government will guarantee Obama’s safety with non-Israeli and non-Jewish security staff, so there will be no fouls play. Otherwise they can easily blame WNs for another American president murdered by Jews.

If Obama is assassinated, it’s going to be very bad news for WNs, because they are going to blame WNs for that!



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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