Robert Ringer #conspiracy
While reading Walter Laqueur’s biography of Josef Stalin, I was struck by a couple of similarities between Stalin and Obama. Even though Stalin’s life and personality were for very different from Obama’s, there are a couple of important similarities between the two men. The most obvious one, which almost certainly laid the foundation for the hatred that was embedded in the souls of both leaders, was their extremely dysfunctional and unhappy childhoods.
A second similarity is their remarkable success in portraying themselves to be men of great character and morality, the exact opposite of who they really were/are. Stalin, much like Obama today, succeeded in carrying out a nonstop propaganda campaign in which he was portrayed to the public as the kindly “Uncle Joe,” notwithstanding his ruthless murdering of tens of millions of his own countrymen.
Many of us picked up on Obama’s lack of feeling and nonexistent humanity early on. In my article “Saul, Barack and me, Part 1,” back in 2009, I wrote, “After a good deal of study and observation, my take on him [Obama] is that he is a man without a soul. And, as a soulless individual, his actions are not hampered by trivial moral considerations.”
Thus, the one thing that I believe Obama definitely has in common with Josef Stalin is that he lacks compassion for others, be they rich or poor, while professing, like Stalin, to be the great defender of the working class.
But don’t sell Obama and his switchblade smile short just yet. He has a troupe of assassins behind him that make the perpetrators of the Saint Valentine’s Day Massacre look like Boy Scouts by comparison. They include such left-wing radicals as Valerie Jarrett, Kathleen Sebelius, Eric Holder, Richard Tumka, David Axelrod, Andy Stern, Van Jones, Mark Lloyd, Cass Sunstein, Anita Dunn, John Holdren, Bill Ayers and, above all, the “kind and gracious” FLOTUS.
He also has the money, the support of millions of useful idiots and a revolutionary’s rigid determination when it comes to bringing down America, Western civilization and capitalism.