The bible doesn't ask that we ignore others' sins, rather it tells us what behavior is sinful, and to avoid it for our own good. It also tells us about how to live for Christ.
The reality is that homosexuals are continually asking for societal affirmation of their behavior. They don't want "tolerance," or to be left alone. They want it up front and center, and praised and taught to school children as morally equivalent to the natural family. I don't seek affirmation or approval of my sins, and I certainly won't affirm and praise the sins of others. Sin requires repentance, not parades.
"The bible doesn't ask that we ignore others' sins, rather it tells us what behavior is sinful, and to avoid it for our own good. It also tells us about how to live for Christ"
It also tells you that everyone is sinful, to not condemn or judge others for their perceived sinfulness, and that living like Christ is not only impossible (since he was sinless and divine), but discouraged (since he knowingly brought about his own death, didn't bear any children, and lived as a beggar).
"They don't want "tolerance," or to be left alone. They want it up front and center, and praised and taught to school children as morally equivalent to the natural family"
You do realize that the first is the end goal, and that the second is simply the means by which we hope to reach it. Since you people are so damned opposed to single-sex couples, we need to explicitly tell children that they exist, and that they are not half-demons flouting God's will and conspring to topple society like their parents claim. The parades are there, along with everything else, to try to reassure those that are gay to not try to hide it from others out of fear of being different, and to not let those who despise them rule their existence. What your Bible says on the issue is irrelevant.
That's if you consider homosexuality a "SIN". Many rabbis will tell you that you're not interpreting Leviticus correctly.
Remember: Don't ask Christians to interpret the Old Testement.
Mother Hen...I'm surprised you used that name. Since no one wants to have kids by you.
'They don't want "tolerance," or to be left alone. '
WRONG, Mother Hen!They want to be free of your fundy hate, free of demands from religious nutjobs that they be placed in internment camps - or worse, executed - and free of harassment from sickos like Russ Henderson, Aaron McKinney & 'Reverend' Fred Phelps and his fellow sub-humans at Westboro 'Baptist' Church.
In a secular society, all consensual sexual behaviors engaged in among adults (should) have the same legal and moral status. You don't have to agree, but, if you don't, you really need to change the constitution itself -- instead of trying to subvert it.
You can't be a supporter of the U.S. constitution and not respect what it says concerning free speech and establishment of religion. And, if you don't support the foundational document of American democracy, then you don't support America.
Right-wing Christians are un-American to that extent.
Dumbass, some of those kids are gay, you idiot.
Awareness that other gay people exist provides youngsters going thru a difficult time (as puberty is for all of us, the gay ones especially, as the time accents the difference and tends to isolate) with a role model, and the message "it's going to be ok." That's needed sometimes, because, unfortunately, some gay kids don't get that message, and are filled with the self hatred assholes like you gave them.
I don't want to hear any more stories about teenagers killing themselves.
I don't want to hear any more stories about teens who hate themselves so much, they fuck guys (or girls) who treat them like shit, or out right abuse them.
Fuck you.
1. Your definition of "sin" may differ from the definitions of others.
2. There is, as yet, no proof for the existence of "sin". To date it appears to reside firmly in the category of "philosophical concept". There is no medical evidence to support the presence of sin in the Human body, no matter how "bad" that person seems to be.
The reality is that homosexuals Christians are continually asking for societal affirmation of their behavior. They don't want "tolerance," or to be left alone. They want it up front and center, and praised and taught to school children as morally equivalent superior to the natural family everything. I don't continuously seek demand affirmation or approval of my sins faith in Christ, and I certainly won't will affirm and praise condemn and vilify the sins faith and moral fiber of others anyone and everyone. Sin I require repentance obedience, not parades questions.
Teh gheys have harmed a lot less people than teh Xtians throughout history, by my reckoning. Teh gheys didn't have an inquisition, a conquisition or any of that other torturing people to death for not being like em.
Gheys 1
Xtians 0
/I don't want to hear any more stories about teenagers killing themselves.
I don't want to hear any more stories about teens who hate themselves so much, they fuck guys (or girls) who treat them like shit, or out right abuse them./
@Jud: Amen.
I don't seek affirmation or approval of my sins, and I certainly won't affirm and praise the sins of others. Sin requires repentance, not parades.
So if orthodox Jews wanted to pass laws forbidding people to eat pork or work on Saturday, Mother Hen wouldn't have a problem with that because they believe it's a sin?
@Beeblebrox - good one!
I'm more concerned about the fundie desire to make their lives and choices front and center; their desire to circumvent laws; their desire to control how people act and what people do, and their desire to put their god into the public school system and indoctrinate all children, whether from christian families or not.
Just because you are ignorant and want to force your lifestyles on the world doesn't not mean every sub-group of people on the planet also wants the same as you.
You give yourselves too much freaking credit.
@Beeblebrox: Damn, you're good.
Sin is bullshit. So's the rest of the bible.
The reality is that homosexuals want to be treated the same as everyone else. What is so hard to understand about that, and why do you bigoted morons feel it is such a terrible thing?
Funny, I don't recall Jesus saying a single word about homosexuality. I do remember that he talked with sinners and got to know them as human beings. Maybe that is what you are expected to do: talk to some gay people with an open mind and get to know them as human beings.
Or is it just too much fun to sit on your high horse and point self-righteous fingers at people? That isn't a very Christ-like thing to do. But then I doubt that you really care about that.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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